All through the night

Start from the beginning

"Great I'll do the same with the girls, ill tell them all the plan except her. Thanks Konoha you're the best!" I say as we high five and I return to the table.

As i sit back down with the girls I discreetly pass a piece of paper under the table to Yukie which explains the plan on it and she passes It over to the other two girls without (y/n) noticing anything.

(y/n) POV

After a few minutes, Kaori comes back.

"Hey girls sorry I took a while, I went to the bathroom and the boys stopped me to ask if we wanted to join them after we finish dinner, they're gonna stay  in town for a while before going back to the hotel so I thought we could go with them what do you guys think?" she says sitting down.

"Sure that sounds great!" Hitoka answers

"I'm in!" Yukie adds

"I'd love to"Kiyoko says

they then all look at me impatient

"U-Uh sure why not!" I then end up saying

"Yayyy ok then lets finish eating then we'll join them." Yukie says as we all go back to eating our food.

After a while, we finish eating and exit the restaurant as we the boys are already outside waiting for us.

"Hey guys!" Kaori says happily.

"Hey! earlier when the boys and I got here we passed by a fun fair, what do you say about checking it out together?" Konoha announces.

"Sure lets go!" I say excitedly as we all start walking in the direction of the fun fair.

We walk for a good ten minutes when we see many different colorful lights, children laughing and screaming and the smell of cotton candy.

"Hey guys let's all go on that roller coaster over there!" Hitoka says jumping excitedly.

"Alright lets go!" Daichi says

Luckily, there weren't that many people so the roller could fit the whole group as we all took a seat in it, oh and yes I'm sitting next to Kuroo. I had never been on a roller coaster before since I usually got scared that it would trigger my panic attacks, my breathing starts to accelerate as I secure myself in the ride.

"Hey (l/n) chan, if you're too scared you can still get out but be quick you don't have a lot of time." Kuroo says as he sees me starting to slightly panic.

"N-No it's okay, I've just never been on a roller coaster before so I'm a little nervous, sorry."

"There's nothing to be sorry for, it's normal to feel a little stressed, but don't worry I promise you won't fall." He gets closer to me and whispers "And if you do I'll be the one to catch you." As he says that to me,my heart starts racing, he then moves away "So you have nothing to worry. If you get scared you can hold onto my hand If you wan-" I cut him by taking his hand in mine looking away and a little worried because the roller coaster starts to move and as he notices my gesture he squeezes my hand a little to let me know that everything is going to be okay.

"Welp I'm never doing that again" I say nervously laughing as the ride stops.

"Even if you don't do it again, you can still say you did it once in your life." Kuroo says unbuckling himself from the seat. "And you were sitting next to the most amazing person ever I mean c'mon who wouldn't want to sit next to m- ow ow ow" He tries to finish his sentence but o cut him off by elbowing his side. "Fine fine I got it whatever" He says as we both get off the ride and he detaches his hand from mine but I grab his wrist and put our hands back to where they were a few seconds ago looking away from him because I don't know how or why but these days I'm just getting bolder and bolder and impressing myself each time. As I do this, his eyes widen for a split second as he sighs smiling contentedly intertwining our fingers and walking back.

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