Strawberry Dress (Bdoc)

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Just for some context, if you don't know the strawberry dresses mentioned, all you gotta do is google 'popular strawberry dress'. It was created by a small brand called LirikaMatoshi and is currently priced at 490 USD (without tax)

This is a super short drabble because I was too lazy to go any further. Maybe I'll write about the party but I highly doubt it lmao 


"You do realize the party isn't until tomorrow, right?" Doc leaned over his shoulder, calling to the closed bathroom door.

"Yeah I know that, but I just couldn't wait to show you this dress I found! And I wanted your approval before wearing it out," Bdubs called back.

"Babe, you don't need my approval, you make anything and everything look cute," he bluntly stated as he pulled out his communicator to read a message from Ren.

RentheDog: Hey if you come by now I can give you those supplies you needed, or you can wait until the end-of-summer party tomorrow.

Before he could respond, Doc heard the bathroom door creak open and looked up.

His jaw dropped and he blushed when Bdubs stepped out in a pink dress covered in small strawberries.

"Well?" Bdubs asked, smiling as he played with the skirt.

DocM77: It can wait until tomorrow

After taking a second to respond to Ren, the hybrid tossed his communicator aside and stood up from his bed where he was sitting. Running a hand along the collar of the dress, Doc smiled softly.

"You look beautiful," he whispered.

"I'm glad you think so," Bdubs blushed as his boyfriend moved his hand along the waist of the dress and stepped behind him. Not saying a word, the tall brunette wrapped his arms around his small boyfriend, leaning his head on his shoulder. "You doing okay, baby?" he asked, placing his hands over Doc's.

"Yeah, it's just seeing you in something this pretty makes me feel so lucky that you agreed to date me," he softly admitted.

"Yeah, you are pretty lucky," Bdubs giggled. He tilted his head so Doc could kiss him. The brunette hybrid leaned down, kissing his neck. Shifting in Doc's hold, the shorter brunette turned around so he could kiss his boyfriend again. "Oh!" the short hermit broke free of his hold and ran to the other side of the room. He rummaged through his closet and pulled out another dress. It was identical to the one he wore, except instead of being pink, it was black.

"Wait are you considering wearing that one instead?" the taller male asked, stepping towards him to admire the new dress. "Because even though this one is also gorgeous, I think the pink is better on you," he explained, feeling the skirt of the black strawberry dress.

"Actually," a giant grin spread across the tan builders face. "I was wondering if you wanted to wear this one. Then we could match!"

Blushing, Doc took the dress from the short builder and held it up to himself in front of the mirror.

"I know you don't really wear dresses, but I thought it'd be fun," Bdubs explained. "But if you don't want-"

"Yeah, I'll wear it," the hybrid interrupted.

"Really?" the freckled hermit was a little surprised by his boyfriend's response.

"Well, what do you think?" Doc asked when he stepped out of the bathroom.

Bdubs covered his mouth, his face red. "You look gorgeous!"

The tall hermit looked at himself in the mirror, placing his hands on his hips. "I do, don't I?" he nodded. Grinning, his boyfriend latched himself onto one of his arms and started jumping excitedly.

"This is gonna be so much fun!" he exclaimed. 

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