Gay Shitposts/vines

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(Watch the video above)

(Ur welcome UwU)

Nm: *busts into Killer's room* WAKE UP, SLEEPY HEAD!!!

Killer: *flinches*

Dust: *sits up, in the same bed as Killer* What the fuck, man?

Nm: *Walks out of the room, laughing his ass off*


Lust: *jumps off of the counter in a green jumpsuit* I'M GAY--


Red: Hey, buddy you wanna go?!

Sans: yeah, I wanna go! Let's go!

Red: alright, let's go out!

Sans: Go out on a date?

Red: Yeah, c'mon! Let's go on a date!

Sans: you want kids?--


Lust: *to Horror* Roses are red, pickles are green, I love your legs, and what's in between!

Horror: *laughs hysterically*


Cross: Two bros chillin' in the got tub five feet apart cuz they're not gay--

(Weirdo add on thing I made btw)

Fresh and Error: *in the hot tub completely silent*

Cross: Two bros chillin' in the got tub five feet apart cuz they're not gay... Right?

Error: *cough*


Ink: Are you still gay?

Error: *sarcastically* FuCk-- oh no, better check! *looks at a chart*



Fresh: Look how cute these pens are

Error: Fresh, that's gay

Fresh: ...Error, we've been dating--


Geno: Everybody has a gay cousin

Lust: Bitch I don't have a gay cousin.... Wait... Oh shit, I am the gay cousin! OH MAH GOD--


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