Part 13

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Riley POV

So it's the next day of school and I really don't want to be dealing with desiree right now but before I left my mom was like did you take your medicine and don't lie I take two types of pills one is for mood swings pills and the other is for depression.

Why depression because I tried to kill my self back in middle school I couldn't deal with the bullies everyday and as for the mood swing pills I get angry I guess you can say just like my mom says I get my temper from my sperm donor anyways my mom just came in my room I gotta go.

Normani:did you not hear me riley I hate that I had to come all way up to your room just to tell you to take your medicine

Riley:ma you know I don't like taking them pills and them nightmare pills be making me nauseous

Yeah I also take nightmare pills my past still haunts me from time to time

What past ok I'll tell you I was sexually assaulted by my bully back in the 7th grade that was before I switched schools and met my best friend alexis and her sister desiree.

I told my parents about it and of course my mom didn't believe me told me you probably wanted to get raped I went to my room and cried saw a razor blade and started cutting.

Then I spent a couple of months in the hospital on suicide watch and that's why I'm on medication end of that story.

The only person that knows that I take medication besides my parents is my best friend alexis.

Normani:you know that you have to take your medication

Normani:do you want to go back to the hospital again riley

Riley:fine I'll take my medicine


Riley:oh you mean right now

Normani:yes right now

Riley then hears a car honk outside and says ma alexis is outside I gotta go to school and normani responds with not after you take your medicine riley I'm not playing take your medicine right now.

Riley only took her depression and nightmares pills and says there I took them can I go now but normani says your mood swing pills now riley says okay okay and takes her mood swing pills and says now can I go. 

Normani:you can go to school now

Alexis POV

Come on now what is taking riley so long I just found out that this honey I was talking to yesterday goes to the same school I go to and I want to talk to her you to get to know her, her name is melissa I'm thinking about inviting her over for the party tonight to but if riley don't hurry the fuck up then I won't invite her.

Riley:(comes inside the car) sorry about that bruh moms was talking to me for mad long

Alexis:what she make you do take your meds

Desiree:you take medication riley

Riley:(looks at alexis) seriously alexis


Riley:why is desiree in the backseat and why did you have to say my business like that but yeah I had take my medicine

Alexis:my bad bruh slipped out

Desiree:my dad told alexis to take me to school my car is in the shop

Alexis:but look the party is tonight we going to turn up did you tell your moms about tonight

Riley:nah I didn't tell her but I will tonight

Alexis:wow man seriously riley look there will be baddies there if you don't wanna grow some balls and fuck with my sister anymore

Desiree:hey I heard that


Riley:can we just get going

Desiree:yeah can we

Alexis:okay fine

Skip to when school is over and riley is back at her house

Riley:hey mama where mom

Riley:(takes her brother donovan out of his playpen)

Dinah:she's sleeping what is it that you want

Riley:I wanted to know if I can go to my friends party tonight

Dinah:who's party

Riley:ma it's alexis party

Dinah:riley who else is going to be there

Riley:alexis has a couple of her friends coming

Dinah:okay just be back by curfew

Riley:what ma what if the party ends past my curfew

Riley:ma I'm in my 20s and got my own house what I need a curfew for

Dinah:do you wanna live to see another day

Riley:yes I do

Dinah:your curfew is 11:30 pm not am ok

Riley:so does that mean I can go to the party tonight

Normani:say what now no your not I need you to babysit your brother tonight

Riley:what why can't you find a babysitter or something

Normani looks at her daughter then says now why would I want a random stranger to come over to babysit donovan when I got you to do that for me

Normani:me and your mom got plans tonight so we won't be home till midnight

Normani:no party riley I mean it

Riley looks at her mom and says fine no party I'll just tell alexis that I won't be able to make it.

Normani and dinah left and riley got on her phone and called up alexis.

Phone Conversation


Alexis:hey what's up riley so did you ask your mom about the party

Riley:yeah I did

Alexis:so what she say

Riley:my mom said I can't go I have to watch my baby brother tonight

Alexis:man that sucks maybe you can come through next time

Riley:yeah next time look I got to go

Alexis:ok I'll holla at ya

End of phone conversation

Riley looks at her brother and says it's only you and me now first thing first let's change your diaper I never knew that so much food that mom be feeding you got you stinking.

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