Part 14

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Dinah POV

We got home early from our dinner date why you may ask because the waiter was being a little too friendly with me and normani didn't like it and threatened to cut her she almost gotten arrested but then I told the waitress we will be leaving and that she doesn't need to call the cops.

Needless to say we can never go back to that restaurant again but it's all good I'm not tripping there are other restaurants me and my baby can go to.

Normani:yeah your ass don't need to go to jail

Dinah:yeah I don't because I only got a strike I don't need another

Dinah:and you don't need to go to jail either

Normani:I would gladly go to jail I didn't like how that bitch was flirting with you and touching all over you

Dinah:baby girl can you just get in the car so that we can go home

Dinah:I'm pretty sure that you want to see donovan

Normani:as a matter of fact get in the car so we can go and see my son

Dinah:our son

Normani:I said that just get your ass in the car

When they got home they saw both their kids sleeping donovan on riley chest on the couch when dinah took donovan off of riley chest she woke up.

Riley:(waking up and rubbing her eyes) hey mama why you home so early

Riley:(looks at her watch) it's only 7:30pm

Dinah:your mom wanted to come home

Riley:what happened

Dinah tells riley what happened at the restaurant in which riley replies with damn mom don't play about you I didnt know that she was that crazy to the point where she almost stabbed that waitress who was flirting with you.

Dinah:yeah we can never go back to that particular restaurant but I'm not tripping over it because there are plenty more restaurants to go to


Dinah:but how was donovan

Riley:he was good gave me a run for my money that baby is hyper we played I gave him some food and then I put him to sleep next thing I know was is I'm falling asleep

Riley:and here we are

Dinah:did you eat and take your medicine

Riley:yeah mama I did

Dinah:okay good hey look you can go to alexis party I got donovan

Riley:mama alexis party was last night

Dinah:go wash up and call up alexis and hang out with her but remember your curfew

Riley:alexis is at a club and honestly I don't want to go anywhere just to my bed and sleep

Dinah:how you know she's at a club

Riley:she texted me that she was at a club

Dinah:do you have any clients at the shop

Riley:no ma not that I know of

Dinah:did you check the appointment book

Riley:no not really

Dinah:riley you should go hangout with your friends tonight

Riley:okay fine since you want me out the house I guess I'll go to the club tonight

Dinah:enjoy yourself but not to much ok

Riley:okay imma shower then call alexis and see if she wants to hang out

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