"Oh Sunshine... What did you do?"

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Blue and Yellow were terrified. They had been summoned by White's Pearl to go and see White immediately. "She can't see us like this Yellow..." Blue said while walking toward White's head. "Well we can't do anything about it now." Yellow replied. Yellow then focused her eyes on Blue's gem. It was put together but still had cracks on it. Yellow felt an enormous amount of guilt. Yellow stopped in her tracks as she saw a small white butterfly fly past her face. "Yellow? Are you coming?" Blue questioned. "Oh! Y-yes! Coming!" Yellow said as she caught up to Blue.
They finally arrived to White's ship. They were trying to come up with an excuse to tell White even though they knew she wouldn't buy it. Yellow was embarrassed about the large red hand print that was still on her face. Yellow reached her hand to touch it. It still stung- even after dissipating.
"There you two are..." The tall, radiant White Diamond said with a quite unsettling grin. White looked at both of them and frowned. She was disappointed that they no longer looked perfect. She turned to Yellow. "Oh Sunshine... What did you do?" White questioned. Yellow tried to speak but no words came out. It was as if White was staring right through her. "It wasn't her fault White." Blue said. "Was I asking you?" White said with a annoyed tone. Blue felt a shiver crawl up and down her body. White then turned her attention back to Yellow. "Well?" White said expecting a answer this time. "I- I sh-shattered her..." Yellow said shakily with tears forming in her eyes. White smiled menacingly. "And look at her Yellow... You let all of her imperfections shine through. And so did yours. For that you both must be punished." White said with her unsettling smile. She turned toward Blue and shot her eye beams at her controlling her. Blue screamed in pain as her gem turned grey and she started to be controlled. Blue went limp for only about 15 seconds before standing up with that same unsettling smile White had on her face. "That's much better!" White said clasping her hands together. Yellow stared at Blue in fear. Blue's cracks only seemed to become worse. A single tear fell from Blue's eye.
Yellow stood in fear. She was holding back tears. "I'm going to be keeping her for a while. As for your punishment..." White said with a horrifying grin. She stepped toward Yellow and bent down to where their eyes met. "You will never see her again..." White said menacingly.
Yellow's eyes widened as she was filled with anger and sadness. White stood up straight. "I mean it's the only logical solution. You did shatter her after all. I'm only keeping her for her safety..."
Yellow filled with even more guilt. She did hurt Blue. Yellow started to believe White.

"Maybe she would be safer without me..." Yellow thought.

"Now... I must get back to work. Leave my presence." White said while shooing Yellow away.
Yellow quickly obeyed White. Once Yellow was outside she was filled with a deep sadness. She regretted leaving Blue there but thought it would be best. Once Yellow got to her room she sat down in her chair. She had always found the quiet relaxing but not this time. She hated how quiet it was. Yellow started to silently cry in her cold chair. All Yellow could think about was how it was her fault Blue had those cracks on her gem and physical form. Yellow looked up. She turned her head to a diamond shaped mirror on the wall. She finally got a good look at herself. She noticed how the hand print was still there. She thought about what she said. She hadn't meant to call Pink a pest. Pink was annoying at times and unbearable but it never got to a point where Yellow would call her a pest. She had no idea where that came from.
Yellow felt even worse.
Yellow sat alone in that room for days. Eventually she actually went outside. The two Topaz guards were surprised to see their diamond. Yellow turned her head to look at White's ship. She felt so much anger towards White. Yellow started to make her way towards her own ship. She was surprised to see Blue and Yellow Pearl talking in front of the doorway heading toward her ship. They both looked up toward Yellow and did the diamond salute.
Yellow practically ignored them and kept walking. She just wanted to get to her ship. Yellow wondered if White would ever let Blue go.
Little did Yellow know White had something in store for both of them.
White and Blue's POV
White had finally let Blue out of her grasp. "Hello Moonlight." White said grinning. Blue fell to the ground, she was horrified. "W-what happened... W-where's Y-Yellow." Blue said with fear in her voice. "Never mind that. She can't hurt you anymore.." White said still smiling. White looked at where Blue had her eye covered with her long hair. "What are you hiding under here Moonlight?" White said while moving her hair. White's eyes widened in surprise. Blue's eye had a large cracks in place of where her eye would have been. "Oh Moonlight..." White said almost sounding sorry for her. "Don't lay a finger on Yellow!" Blue yelled almost as if she was reading White's mind. "But this was her doing. If I didn't know better I'd say you hated her for it." White said. "What are you talking about! It wasn't her fault!" Blue yelled. "Oh but it was her fault. She intentionally shattered you. I'd even go so far as to say I think she shattered Pink." White said smiling. Blue looked down at the ground. She knew White was trying to get into her head. "Oh Blue..." White said in the most phony voice Blue had ever heard. White bent down to look Blue in the eye. As White got closer Blue swiped at her. White fell back holding her face. "OH YOU LITTLE BRAT!" White yelled viciously. Blue realized the mistake she just made. She started shaking. "W-White. I-I'm so s-sorry." Blue said shaking. White started to laugh. She looked at Blue. She was horrified to see that there was a large scratch across White's face.
"You shouldn't have done that Moonlight..." White said with a villainous grin. White stood up while Blue sat on the floor watching in horror. "You know... I was going to be nice and all merciful by letting you see your beloved Yellow. But if all you're going to see is a villain... fine... I'll be the villain." White said villainously.
Yellow's POV
Yellow sat in her ship trying to think of a plan. She needed to get Blue back but didn't know how. Yellow then heard something. She stood straight up and went out onto the walkway. She listened. It was a horrible noise. Suddenly the noise came to a stop. She then realized what the noise was before. It was Blue. Whatever White did had to be something horrible for Blue to scream like that. Yellow had to do something. She didn't care about anything else. She stormed up to White's head. "WHITE! LET ME IN THIS INSTANT!" Yellow screamed. Yellow was extremely surprised to feel herself being lifted by one of White's platforms. Once Yellow was inside all she wanted to know was what happened to Blue. She looked around. She couldn't see White or her beloved Blue. "Hello?" Yellow said confused. Yellow then heard something behind her. She suddenly froze. Yellow heard a chuckle from behind her. She turned around and was horrified at what she saw. There White was standing with an uncontrolled Blue but one thing was different. She was in her old form. She still had cracks and her eye was still cracked but her hair was connected and had her old dress from before what Yellow would call "The Incident". Yellow realized what White had done. She looked up at White. She noticed how White had a large scratch across her face. "White what- what did you do." Yellow said. White looked down at her. "Why Sunshine... isn't it obvious. She stepped out of line and for that she had to be put back into place." White said with her unsettling smile. Yellow turned to Blue. All Blue was doing was standing there. She was almost acting like a Pearl. "Blue... It's me Yellow..." Yellow said trying to get her to say something. "I'm sorry... who?" Blue said. Yellow just stared at Blue in disbelief. Yellow started to cry. Yellow's face burned. It was if her tears were burning the red hand mark on her face. Yellow started to think that it was probably permanent but she didn't care. She just wanted Blue. She wanted Blue to tell her everything was ok. She wanted to feel Blue's lips against hers. Yellow fell to the ground. "Now Sunshine... stop acting like a child and stand up." White said quite annoyed. Yellow didn't listen. Every sound around her just faded away. She looked up at Blue. Blue looked at her with confusion on her face but then for almost a split second she had worry in her eyes. Yellow noticed it. Yellow shot straight up. It was almost as if she gained a little bit of hope. She walked towards Blue and grabbed her by the shoulders.

"Blue... please. You know me and I know you. When you needed me I wasn't always there but I promise you I will never leave you again... just please come back. I need you..." Yellow said as she tightly hugged Blue. "Just please come back... I- I love you."

White thought Yellow was pathetic. She hated watching this but also found it amusing how the all powerful Yellow Diamond was now trembling in fear. Little did White know was that those three words rang like a bell in Blue's mind. She gasped as she started to regain her memories. White and Yellow watched as Blue reformed. White was furious. "That's enough!" White said as she started to shoot her eye beams at Blue. Yellow then did something she never even thought about doing. She shocked White with enough power to shatter an entire city full of gems- even more power than when she had shattered Blue. White screamed and then dissipated. Blue was quick enough to catch White's gem and put it in a bubble. Blue turned to Yellow. Yellow was on the floor. She was almost out of energy. Blue noticed that her gem was glowing. Yellow was so tired that she thought she was going to dissipate. Yellow opened her eyes but she didn't see Blue. She was somewhere she didn't recognize. It was empty. Yellow started to feel something come up in her throat. It was a burning sensation. Yellow covered her mouth as she felt whatever was in her throat come up. Suddenly thousands of white butterflies exploded from Yellow's mouth. When they were all out Yellow fell to the floor coughing. She watched as all of them started to swarm her.
Blue's POV
Blue sat with Yellow in her arms. Yellow was so exhausted that she had passed out. Blue was alarmed to see Yellow start to cry even when she was sleeping. "Yellow! Yellow wake up! Please! I'm here! It's ok!" Blue yelled
Yellow's POV
Yellow was horrified. All of the butterflies swarmed Yellow as if they wanted her to stay there forever. Then Yellow heard her. She heard Blue. Hearing Blue was like a huge bell ringing in Yellow's mind. She closed her eyes as tight as she could and started to calm down. When she opened her eyes she saw Blue holding her in a tight embrace. Yellow said nothing. She felt comfort in Blue's arms and wanted to stay there forever. Yellow breathed a sigh of relief.

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