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Gus Pov
The lyrics flew out of me so easily...it was hard to even think that it was taking me so long to finish this.

It needs something else.

"Can I get someone else on this, Dylan? It has to me someone with a really unique voice. Maybe really low...magical maybe?" I said.

"Magical?" Dylan said with a laugh.

"You know what I fucking mean." I said, rolling my eyes with a small chuckle.

"I'll look." Dylan said, going onto sound cloud.

Lexie pov
(4 days later)
I sat on my bed looking at my wall. I wasn't crying anymore...I just felt...sad.

I knew other girls were prettier than me...Gus deserves better than me anyways. I just thought he really did love me.

That makes me think...is this the only time Gus cheated on-

"Knock knock" Iris said, walking into my room. I looked at her with a blank expression and she smiled at me.

Iris sat down next to me and gave me a tight hug.

I hugged back with a sigh and Iris pulled away.

"Lexie when are you gonna talk to me?" Iris said, tears in her eyes. "I miss my best friend..."

I looked at her then looked down. "I-I miss you too Iris...b-but I don't feel good anymore." I responded as a tear slipped down Iris' cheek.

"I want to go on those stupid adventures and make stupid videos- I just...i miss my Lexie." She said, more tears escaping from her eyes.

I looked up at Iris and tears started to swell up in my eyes. "Iris I am here. I'm just stuck." I said, picking at my fingernails. My heart beat started to quicken and I started to shake.

I haven't had a conversation like this in awhile. We were both silent for a second until Iris finally spoke up.

"Gus hasn't stopped calling me Lexie." She blurted.

I froze up and my head spun hearing the name out loud.

"M-Maybe you should go talk to him..." Iris said, grabbing my hand and looking me in the eyes.

"Why? So I can get hurt again?" I said, sounding a bit more rude than I imagined.

I knew she was right though. I've gotten calls from everyone.

It's been a week and a half. Every single day I get a call or text from at least Gus....sometimes i will occasionally get one from one of the boys.

But he cheated on me.

I want him to hurt like he has hurt me.

"Lexie?" Iris asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I'll talk to him when i'm ready." I said, wiping my tears.

"Okay...can I get you anything? Water? Extremely disgusting burnt popcorn?" Iris joked.

Although I was upset, she did make me crack a smile.

"That'd be great." I said, looking at her with the small smile on my face.

Iris' face lit up and she ran out of the room to go make my popcorn.

I followed after Iris and grabbed a bowl out of the cabinet. Iris grabbed a popcorn bag and put it in the microwave.

Iris turned on some music and started dancing around the kitchen to make me laugh.

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