Chapter 17

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~Luna's POV~

"I'm sorry, I'm not going to join the team. However, I will help you guys rescue those missing people from the crash. I was also wondering where those people could've gone. It makes sense that this work came from a Malicious Ranger." This was as close as I was going to get to recruiting this Green Ranger because we didn't want to waste any time. I nodded my head. "Let's hurry." Silver came flying in as I turned him into the Mystic Racer to get to the location as quickly as possible.

"Warehouse 21 is back down town. We'll get there in less than 5 minutes." The monitor in front of me had a red dot at the exact location we had to head towards then Silver was off into the air with amazing speed. Pirate girl almost flew off so she had to wrap her arms around me to prevent that. "So how long have you been a Ranger?" She had to yell through the loud winds passing through us while she had jump scared from flying.

"Ever since the first night of the Senior Camping Trip. Myles, Felix, & I got our Morphers at the same time in a nearby cave. The East Maui Volcano. I can't wait to tell you all the crazy shit we went through just to get here, but later. Of course."

"Myles & Felix? There was a Pink Ranger who wanted to battle me. Are you saying one of them is the Pink Ranger?" I showed her a thumbs up for confirmation. I'm a little surprised that she didn't know which Ranger was which. "Isn't it obvious? It's Felix, he loves the color pink. You should know this about him, I mean the both of you were childhood best friends after all. What ever happened?" Pirate girl stayed quiet.

I guess something really bad must've happened if she wasn't going to answer it. The whole Felix hating Izzy thing is pretty interesting. I know nothing about this situation because Felix has never talked about with me when we dated. All I know is that him & Izzy were best of friends when Felix was dating Ikaika, but once they broke Felix & Izzy stopped being friends. This was all learned by observation. There wasn't any reason for me to question it at the time.

"I'm so sorry about Felix though. Whatever happened between the both you two, you don't have to worry because I'm pissed at him. Us girls just need to stick together, right Izzy?" She gasped when I said the name then she loosened her grip around me just a bit. It sounded like pirate girl was about to say something, but warehouse 21 was already right below us. "We're here. Myles didn't specifically, say where we should meet up so let's be cautious to be on the safer side." We hopped off of Silver thanking him before quietly sneaking around. I felt a shiver down my spine.

This was creepy to say the least.

From inside it sounded like chains were being shaken up. That could be the people who are tied up to be ready to get executed for unknown reasons. "I see a window over there. Let's see what's happening from the inside." I nodded my as we made our way to it then slowly peaked our heads through the window. The first thing I noticed was that there were a bunch of people confined together with chains like I had already predicted. "Look over there..." Pirate girl said pointing to the one chair all the way at the other side of the venue. Someone was tied up.

"That's Felix." I said a little too loud so the Green Ranger pushed me against the wall covering the bottom half of my helmet telling me to shush. There was actually a slight panic in voice? That's a new one on me. "There's actually someone else tied to up to a chair. I can't tell who it is, but if I had to take a guess it'd have to be Myles." Shoving her out of the I looked through the window to see both guys struggling to get out. Something was missing from this situation. What was it?

Power Rangers LegacyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora