First days and First Impressions

Start from the beginning

"A toad." snarled out Maxima. She sighed as her temper flushed out and looked towards the others, "I'm going have to do something Gryffindor to hide the fact I'm doing something Slytherin."

"Is that so Ms. King?" said a drawling voice behind her.

Maxima jumped and hit her knee on the table, "Mornin' Professor!" She subtly rubbed her knee as Professor Snape handed out the schedules. She thanked him before turning to her schedule. Professor Snape moved on but she was looking at her schedule.

History of Magic
Double Potions
Double D.A.D.A

Double Charms
Care of Magical Creatures
Double Herbology

Free Period
Double Transfiguration
Care of Magical Creatures

Double Potions
Double D.A.D.A

Double Arithmancy
Double Ancient Runes

It was okay, not too bad. Double classes weren't all that much but she could deal with it. She could loan out a history book and self-study in Binn's class. Either way, they'll see. Soon a clatter was sounding out in the hall as the owls descended from the sky to deliver packages or letters.

She could see a barn owls carrying The Daily Prophet heading towards all those who read it. One was heading towards their group as well. Maxima dropped a knut in its pouch before grabbing the paper. "Time to what shit they're spewing today."

Maxima scanned the paper quickly as she eat but found nothing of importance. The paper, the days after the tournament, was using slandering words against Dumbledore and Harry but today there was no mention of either. It was just...everyday things. Just everyday things like ads and stuff. For a moment, Maxima was hit with a sense of 'domestic' before her mind caught up the heart to shake some sense. The war had begun, it was just the calm before the storm.

She put it down while shaking her head, "Nothing today."

Daphne fingered Maxima's braid, "You have to teach me the spell for this."

Maxima smiled and raised a brow, "I did it by hand. But okay."

Pansy gasped, "No way, really? I can't ever get right by hand."

Blaise scoffed with a smirk, "Pans, you might wanna focus on your O.W.Ls."

Draco looked a bit worried, "I've heard that OWL year is when things start getting jam packed."

Maxima hummed and let the conversation flow around her. She knew all this, of course. So did they on some level, but like any teen, they wanted to talk about their futures and what they wanted to do.

She saw George and Fred walk towards Harry to talk and the whole thing was just like how it was described in the books. Except Harry didn't seem that surly. He caught sight of her and grinned before waving. Maxima smiled and waved back.

Soon, it was History Class. And it was common consent that History Class was absolutely useless. The ghost could only drone on and if you had any doubt or question, he wouldn't stop. She tried. Maxima supposed if she had lost sleep due to anything, she could nap in that or do her homework. If she wanted to pass in that class, she had to study by herself. During the class, she worked on her theory.

As she walked out of the class, she could Daphne and Pansy bickering, Draco and Blaise just silently enjoying the little cat-fight. (It wasn't really but, Drama Queens, sighed Maxima.) Theo as always was flirting with her as she shut him down sometimes and flirted back other times.

She passed by the Golden Trio and their group said a quick 'Hi' as they passed and Maxima could tell everyone around them were suspicious. Of course, except the Golden Trio, who greeted back cheerfully. Theo tugged Maxima forwards as she smiled at Harry and the others.

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