I wish I had coffee

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Maxima sat at a table with her chin in her hand, thinking back to a few weeks prior, She had a few clothes sure but nothing that helped for longterm

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Maxima sat at a table with her chin in her hand, thinking back to a few weeks prior, She had a few clothes sure but nothing that helped for longterm. Not to mention the school supplies she would need for the school years. She refused to use parchment and quills when there were perfectly usable fountain pens and paper. Not to mention, once she got one notebook she could just duplicate it along with the fountain pen or put a refilling charm on the ink cartridge. She told the Professors as such and well, she had her empty notebooks, art supplies and fountain pens, a few extra books for a bit of light reading and clothes. All of which were bought through the trust fund her father left her.

She sat reading and revising. She told the Professors that she would like to have a test on all the material she missed and they agreed. For her electives, she chose Arithmancy, Ancient Runes and Care of Magical Creatures. They were the ones which interested her not to mention she already knew about the muggle world and divi-

Maxima froze. Didn't Ron make predictions that inadvertently come true? But wait, no. Maxima stared at the wall biting her lip. Do people make predictions regarding themselves? Maxima thought, but wait, shouldn't she know the future cause she read the books? WAIT HOLD ON! HORCRUXES!! Damn it Maxima, you should focus!! 

Maxima took a breath in and released it. She looked around in the empty classroom she was sitting in. In a few minutes, she'll have to give her mixed exam. Theoretical of course. She brought out her wand from her sheath.
10 1/2" Cherry Wood, Dragon Heartstring, surprisingly swishy. Maxima had bought a book on Wandlore to understand Ollivander's cryptic message of 'How interesting, interesting indeed'.

Cherry Wood Wands are very rare and have 'strange power'. There is often a stereotype of Cherry Wood Wands being frivolous but Maxima knows that it doesn't mean anything because the book mentions that these type of wands posses lethal power. The book also says that if it is teamed with dragon heartstring, the wand ought never to be teamed with a wizard without exceptional self-control and strength of mind. Surprise Surprise! She had Dragon Heartstring, which produce wands with the most power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells. And! Maxima thought happily, Dragon wands tend to learn more quickly than other types. Which was exactly what she needed. Now the flexibility she couldn't understand since it means the user is prone to change. Adaptation maybe? The length must mean their capabilities? Or ability.

Maxima sighs as she twirls her wand. Ugh, Poseidon was with Hagrid down in his hut so she couldn't even hug him. She wants coffee. then.  Her mind was aching something fierce and she wanted these tests to be done with. A bang echoes in the empty room, Maxima jolts and sends an Immobulus to the area of the said door which is swiftly blocked by Professor Snape.

"If you're done daydreaming, it is time for your test."

Maxima stands up and closes the book, "Yes Professor." 

Professor Snape holds out a hand so he could keep it for the duration of the test and Maxima hands the book. "Sorry about the spell Professor."

He raised an eyebrow and responds, "Are you apologizing for your spell-casting or the fact you attacked an unknown intruder?"

Maxima opened her mouth before closing it. That was snakey of him. "Neither sir. Just the fact that I should not be lost in thought and should be focussing on my upcoming exam." But she knew better. She grew up with preening lions after all. Maxima sits back down as Professor Snape puts down the packet containing questions about each subject (in random order, of course.). She picks up her fountain pen and looks to Professor Snape. 

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