*hysterical laughter*

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 Maxima pressed on the tattoo on the base of her neck, "I'm, we're not from this dimension, this world

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

 Maxima pressed on the tattoo on the base of her neck, "I'm, we're not from this dimension, this world." Maxima released the hand that was on the base of her neck and ran it through her hair. She laughed hysterically, focusing on nothing. Maxima didn't notice the three professors exchange anxious and confused looks. "Oh My God. How is this even possible? There has nothing like this ever recorded in EXISTENCE!"

Maxima jerked her bowed head up, "WAIT!" The professors were startled at Maxima's sudden exclamation, "All those times, when I would go missing for hours on end, at mother and father would..." Maxima met the eyes of her professors, "Was that..."

Maxima looked down again, thinking hard and fast. As a child, she would hug the books when she was done and then imagine ways she would change it, make it better or how she would fix the potholes because...come on it's obvious. Sometimes, she thought her magic created the illusions for her to act out. But looking back, she ACTUALLY travelled to those worlds. She fixed them, made them better and she was the reason. She remembers visiting those worlds again and seeing things...remaining as she left it. Better. Happier. Maxima let out a strangled sob of happiness. 

"Ms King," came the voice of Professor Dumbledore, "Are you alright?" 

Maxima pressed her lips together as a smile came onto her lips, it was something sad and happy but it was real. She looked at Poseidon and looked at Professor Dumbledore, "I have never been better." And it was true. She found a place where she could thrive. And if she didn't? So what? She'll make it better and then she'll find a new place. After all, she could travel through books. No, Travel dimensions. There has to be a place where she belongs.

Maxima looked from one professor to another, "I think I know what happened. And, sorry for the...pitifully timed breakdown."

Poseidon let out a bark as he ran around her legs. Professor Dumbledore nodded his head, "Let us head to my office. You wouldn't mind answering a few questions under the influence of Veritaseruem, would you?" They had started to walk towards the castle.

Maxima shook her head, "No sir. Just, um. One question to ask sir."

Dumbledore nodded his assent and Maxima licked her lips, "Has Tri-Wizard Tournament taken place yet?"

Professor McGonagall answered her question, "Yes it just did, I'm afraid. The students just left for their homes an hour ago."

Maxima wanted to smirk but she managed to suppress it. Though she could she Professor Snape caught it and look curious. "Oh, I see." She was the same age as the trio and Draco and what not.

They walked to Dumbledore's office (password was DairyMilk...really?) Professor Snape put a tiny vial on the desk and stood on the side. Professor McGonagall sat on a chair and Dumbledore sat in his chair and motioned for Maxima to sit. She looked to Professor Snape who was still standing and he rolled his eyes and conjured his chair before sitting down. Maxima bit her lip, sat down and put her hands on her lap. Poseidon sat down beside her chair. She immediately put one hand on Poseidon, puppy give her strength. 

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