The Horoscope

33 10 17

"Shruti Are you awake?

"Shruti Get up. Its almost 8 am. the milkman will come. Get up and take milk."

Shruti... oho this girl is so lazy she will not getup on time, will not help me in my household chores. God knows how she will manage her own home after marriage." Murmured my mother

My mother like every other mother has 2 aim in life

1.To make sure the food cooked is tasty

2.To make sure I participate in all house activity and learn cooking

I, been a simple and quiet girl sometimes dont understand why my mother is so tense and impulsive about everything.

I got up from my bed and came down in kitchen where my mother was putting milk for boiling on stove which she has taken. Seeing me she commented

"Again you are late. milkman would have gone and your dad would have yelled again for tea. Now hurry up and prepare tea. I will put the trash outside meanwhile".

I unwillingly started preparing tea.

"Also prepare the sabzi, I will prepare chapati shortly" Shouted my mother from living room.

"Is the tea ready? Where is today's newspaper" Asked my dad while coming into the living room.

Mom: The newspaper is kept in table bottom rack

"Who put the newspaper at bottom rack in morning. i should be on the top. How will anyone read it." Complained my dad

My mother went to bathroom to on geyser for warm water.

meanwhile I cooked the sabzi and prepare the tea.

My mother hurriedly came and asked me to pour 2 cups of tea for my dad and my grandmother.

Meanwhile she prepared the breakfast.

In my family i stayed with my Dad who is working in electricity department, my mother who is house wife and my grandmother who always knows an story of her village related to any incident happening.

during breakfast my mother said to my father "Listen today's the pandit is about to give us a visit. Shall i show shruti horoscope to him?"

Dad: Do whatever you want. i don't understand what's the deal with the horoscope. These people are just running their business by telling some stupid people.

Grandmother: No dear, The horoscope determines a person past, present and future life. you know in our village there was a lady whose husband job was not stable.

every 3-4 months the husband was getting fired. The couple showed their horoscope to a pandit who told them about kalsarp dosh(snake is causing trouble in the financial life) and also suggested a pooja vidhi. after which the husband got very good job and now they have their own big house and 3 kids.

Dad: I am getting late and I don't believe in these horoscope but since you people insist show the horoscope. i have got to go office. Otherwise the electricity failure dosh will come on my head.

All started laughing

Dad waved mom and Grandmother and rushed for office

After lunch, we all sat in living room-Me, Mom and Grand Mother. we called our grandmother "Baa"

Soon the priest(panditji) arrived. The priest was dressed in saffron dhoti and kurta. He was wearing a garland commonly known as "Rudraksh Mala". He carried a cloth bag with him.

My mother touched his feet and he blessed my mother. Grandmother did namaste to panditji.

Pandit ji very calmly put his bag on table and sat on sofa .

Mother offered tea and snacks to pandit ji. After snacks and tea pandit ji asked for my horoscope

My mother bought my kundli(horoscope) from bedroom.

pandit ji opened the horoscope and from his cloth bag he took out a magnifying lens.

Pandit ji started seeing minute words written in horoscope with the help of magnifying lens. After 10-15 minutes of inspection pandit ji finally spoke "There is a big obstacle in this girl's married life. Mars is sitting in main position of the house." My mother and baa panicked and asked for solution

Panditji informed that she has to marry a tree before her actual marriage. My eyes were widen open on these words.

My mother and grandmother has sigh of relief and asked when this marriage can take place.

"are you people out of your mind" I almost shouted "How can you think I will marry a damn tree"

Baa taunted 'in our time we used to not come in front of elders,forget about speaking in such tone. Nowadays girls have no shame"

Mom signaled me to apologize to her immediately. I told sorry. After this my mother spoke 'Beta we are doing this for your good and prosperous married life. We do not want you to have any trouble. This is just a solution and its part of our tradition since ancient time. Its not a big deal"

"Not a big deal? Seriously. What does she know. She only have 2 motive in life to cook and make me cook. She don't understand that my friends will make fun of me. I will get bullied in college. I will become one gossip topic." My mind spoke to me

Yes I was studying in college final year. I have a group of friends which I suddenly felt will become extinct after this tree marriage ritual.

Baa thanked pandit ji and gave the sweets, & cash and pandit ji folded his hand and departed. Baa announced 'You are getting married to tree and this is final"

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