The only person who had not spoken this whole time was the other girl in the middle. Maybe she is just shy around new people?

"You three seem like good people and if we just leave you in the cold I won't be able to sleep all night."

"Yes, even I would feel very guilty" Said Lucas.

Will nodded in agreement.

"Are you sure?" Asked the curly headed boy.

"Yes! Come on I don't want you all to freeze to death!!" I exclaimed. I don't know what made me do the next thing I did but I removed my coat that I was wearing and wrapped it around the girl in the middle. I guess I did it because the other two were wearing thick clothes but she was only wearing a huge but thin t-shirt. She was shivering like crazy but stopped shaking a bit after I gave her my coat. It was probably because it was pretty dry as I had worn it under my raincoat and because of my body heat.

The curly haired boy gave me a smile. Which I returned.

Since they didn't have bikes we of course decided to let them sit behind us.

The curly haired boy sat behind Will and gestured to the shy girl to sit behind me. She hesitated at first but then sat behind me. The feeling of her sitting behind me with her cold hands on my shoulders made my heart race. What is happening to me?

I snapped out of my trance to Lucas asking the red head to sit behind him, Stammering a bit. She climbed behind him.

Lucas Will and I started biking faster then ever but slow enough so we don't crash into someone or something.

"Hey so I'm wondering if you all can just have a sleepover at my house?" I asked Lucas and Will. "I will need your help in hiding these three from my parents. They probably won't t-to check on me but yet..."

"Yes of course I can, what about you Will?" Lucas asked him. It was yet raining so he had to scream a bit.

"Yes I'm sure mom will allow me but I have to inform her, Can I use your phone to inform her once we reach?"

"Me too." Said Lucas.

"Yeah s-sure." I was now Stammering because of the rain. Luckily it had slowed down a bit.

Mike's house

I had somehow gotten the three in my basement without my parents or sister suspecting anything. I had asked my parents if Lucas and Will could stay. They said yes. We had school tomorrow but there were many clothes of Lucas and Will here cuz they practically lived here. It was their second home.

"Do you guys have any extra clothes? You all are wet." I asked the three strangers.

"Yes I do" said the curly haired boy pointing to his bag that was wet but I guess it was waterproof.

"Me too, but she doesn't," Said the red head gesturing to the shy girl next to her. "I don't think my clothes will fit her."

"Mine won't either" said the Curly haired boy

"Oh I can give her my clothes, I'm sure they will fit her." I said.

"Really? Thanks so much!" Said the curly haired boy.

I picked a pair of clothes - a blue full sleeved t-shirt and some grey sweats.

"Here, these are clean. okay?" I said gently passing the clothes to her.

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