part 2

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Liam eventually managed to stop himself from freaking out in the bathroom of the motel and go back into the room. He took deep breaths and closed his eyes.

Harry said, “Are you alright now?” and Liam made the mistake of looking up to where the voice had come from and copped a sight of Harry lounging on the bed, stark naked like this was a completely normal circumstance.

“Oh fuck,” Liam said, because this, this was what he had wanted. Harry had a strong body, muscled though slender, and he had some chest hairs but not much, arms that were definitely more defined than Liam’s, and then…

Liam was the reddest he had ever been, to the point where his face was burning and it actually kind of hurt. He was also extremely hard; he’d never been able to get this hard around Danielle or any girl before, and that made him blush even more. He tried to discreetly move his hand so it covered his throbbing erection, but he could see from Harry’s slight wink that he’d seen. What is my life, Liam thought desperately to himself.

Harry was laughing at him, Liam realised, and that made him indignant. Harry wasn’t even trying to hide it; not really, he was clutching his (very naked! Liam added silently) stomach and rolling around on the bed. “Oh Liam, you are a treat,” he said between his laughs.

“Are you laughing at me?”

“Oh, Liam. You hired a male prostitute and then you freak out because he gets naked. What did you expect to happen?”

Liam realised that Harry was right. It had just been a surprise, and Liam didn’t know what the hell to think about walking in and seeing a beautiful (male prostitute) boy lying naked in front of him and knowing that he found that attractive, that he’d reacted more to that than he had to anything in his life.

“I’ve never done this before,” Liam said again. “I didn’t think this through very well. I’ll be rubbish. I’m sorry.”

Harry raised his eyebrows. “So you don’t want to do this?”

Liam shook his head, “No, I do. But I… I’m scared there’s something wrong with me. I had- I had a girlfriend, but I couldn’t… I couldn’t perform. I thought maybe-”

“Well, you don’t seem to be having a problem right now,” Harry said, and smiled to himself when Liam’s skin predictably flared up again, because it was true. Liam couldn’t cover himself completely, and Harry actually found himself being a bit disappointed that he would never feel Liam’s dick, because it looked like it might actually be interesting.

“I- I think I like boys but I don’t know- I’ve never been with one before, I never thought about it. I didn’t want to try again- I don’t want to be hurt again. I never the time to really meet anyone and-”

“So, you’re basically paying for sex because you’re too lazy to find someone to have a relationship with?”

“No!” Liam was aghast. “That’s not what I meant- I mean, I’ve been hurt before. I don’t want to be in love anymore. I don’t think I could handle it. Not again.”

Harry watched Liam silently.

“If you don’t want- I can still give you the money- I really don’t mind. I know this must be awful for you. To do this with me.”

“You don’t know anything about me,” Harry retorted, although he’d known Liam had been talking about specifically having sex with him, as if Harry wouldn’t want to have sex with Liam because he was awful or something. “Does self-hatred run in your blood or something?”

“That’s what Zayn asks me,” Liam replied instantly without thinking. “Then Niall will tell him to stop being horrible to me. But that’s usually just when he wants something.”

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