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   Bakugo's P.O.V

I see the dumb friends of mine walk over to by desk.Someones missing though...'Wheres Pinky?'I thought.Shes always here jumping around....maybe shes sick or late?"Bakugo..Did you even hear us?"Dunce-Face said. "What?"I replied very confused."Have you seen Mina at all?" KIrishima says worry lacing his voice.So these idiots havent seem her either huh....werid she normally walks with Kiri."Im getting worried she never missed a day in middle school.."Kirishima says again.

2 Hours Later~end of class~

"Where the heck is pinky dumb hair?!"I said starting to get worried myself."i dunno,me and kamanari are gonna check her dorm with sero,you wanna come bro?"sais dumb hair. "heck yea i wanna see whats wrong."i said.We started walking down to Minas dorm,but then we hear what only could be mina screaming "GET OUT!"We all looked at each.The door to Minas dorm opened and a.....GUY WAS PUSHED OUT?!We only saw pinkys arm for  second but there was a huge gash on it.All four  of us run up to the door only to be slammed shut in out faces."WHAT THE HECK DID YOU DO?"I screamed.The other boys looked furiousas well.The guy didnt respond.I reached down and smacked him.The guy got up and ran away..but then we heard something that shatterd out hearts.We heard MIna sobbing.We tried opening the door but it was locked.I had to stay calm."Mina."I say calmly"open the door,Please".A few minutes pass and the doornob clicks.There stood Mina with  a busted lip,black eye,and a bloddy nose,her eye swelling just a bit,with cuts and bruises all over where we coud see her,we stood up concered for her.We pulled her into a tight hug but as soon as she flinched we pulled away quickly.Thats when we started noticing the teats rolling down her face.

~Sorry its short

286 words~

Over-Protective Bakusquad (bakusquad xmina)Where stories live. Discover now