•Unexpected Turn Of Events•

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•Monday, July 6, 9:34 A.M•

     •Minas POV•

      I groan and hold my head. I was feeling very nauseous. I get up and walk to the bathroom to do my normal morning routine but suddenly the nausea overwhelms me and a run to the toilet and vomit.  I sigh. 'Must've been food poisoning from last nights dinner..' I think. I stand up and clean up, then walk downstairs like nothing happened. I smile and kiss Kiri on the cheek then yawn and lay my head on his shoulder. "Mornin Sleeping Beauty" Denki says playfully. I just flip him off and he gasps playfully and chuckles then walks over to Bakugo and nudges him. "When's breakfast?" I suddenly smell an overwhelming smell of bacon and eggs and gag and Kirishima looks at me weird "Babe? You alright?" He asks concerningly and he puts the back of his hand to my forehead.

I nod, but quickly get up and run to the bathroom. Kiri and Sero followed me and Kiri held my hair back and Sero rubbed my back comfortingly. "Food poisoning?" Sero asked questioningly . I nodded, though not really being sure. "Then we need to go to the hospital and get some kinda medication" Kiri said and Sero nodded in agreement. They helped me up and me and Sero got ready to go. Bakugo kisses my forehead and then we leave.

       •Monday, July 6, 11:36 A.M•

           •Minas POV•

I get called into a room and Sero and I walk there. The doctor asks normal questions then looks between me and Sero and goes "Are you sure your not pregnant?" He raises an eyebrow and me and Sero both shake our heads. "Well I'm gonna run some tests just in case.." he takes what he needs then walks out. Me and Sero look at each other then he call Bakugo and walks out of the room.

        •Seros POV•

 I get up, call Bakugo then leave the room. "What is it?" He says "put me on speaker senor" I say, and I assume he does cause the sound of him setting his phone down is presented. "Whats wrong?" Denki asks "ok like don't freak out- " "MINAS DYING OH MY GOD" Denki shouts and he sounds like he fell off the chair "NO NO NO THATS NOT WHAT HAPPENED!" Three sighs of relief come for the other end " but they did run tests to see if she's pregnant" Three loud, audible gasps could be heard. Bakugo was the first to speak up "Well, we have been talking about kids for a while now...." "I wouldn't be opposed..." Kirishima says Kami hums slightly in agreement with the two older males. I see the doctor and walk back in the room after him. "Well, Congratulations Mrs. Ashido, your pregnant" 


   •Minas POV• 

"Well, congratulations Mrs. Ashido, your pregnant!" I hear the doctor say. I quite literally wanted to faint from pure shock and it looked like Sero wanted to as well... "T-Thank you.." I say as I awkwardly get up, we walk out of the room and get out of the hospital. "We- I- You-" I look at Sero when we get in the car and tear up "we're gonna be parents.." I burst into tears and Sero pulls me close "We couldn't become parents without you..." he smiles into my hair and he starts silently crying...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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