Chapter 23

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                                                                                Brooklyn P.O.V.

Dallas and I stay in each others arms for a long time, not talking or making any sound, i'm just happy to be back in Dallas's arms after what feels like forever, slowly Dallas removes his arms from around me "Hi" he whispers and sounds almost nervous? "Hi Dallas" I reply in a whisper, he pulls me back into a hug tighter then before and whispers "A-are you mad at me?"    "Mad at you?" I say confused why would I be mad at him?  "For what happened with Pia"     "No baby i'm not mad at you" I say then realize what I said "I mean Dallas" I quickly add as he looks down at me "Baby? I like it" He says which makes me smile and sigh in relief.

 I look at the time and realize its already 8pm "I should head home" I say and start to walk out of Dallas's room when he grabs my hand "Stay......... please" he says and I turn around to face him "You want me to stay?"    "Of course I do, unless you have plans with your mom or something" he says and begins to pick at his fingers "No I can stay I just don't have any clothes"     "You can wear one of my shirts" he quickly says so I agree to stay the night after texting my mom to tell her. "How is she? Your mom I mean"    "working as always" I sigh "And how are you" he says with worry evident in his voice "I'm okay I think?"    

"You think?" he says confused "I've just been so worried about you and with my dad and my mom"      "Sweetheart" he says lovingly "Do you want to talk about it?"    "Can I change first?" I ask to avoid the topic "Sure of course" he says then hands me one of his shirts so I go change into it leaving my bra and underwear on when i return I see Dallas is laying on his bed so I join him, we quietly lay together with me laying on his chest and his hand drawing shapes on my back "Do you want to talk about it?" he asks quietly and I sigh "I just" I start but my vision begins to blur due to tears, Dallas notices and immediately sits up and pulls me into his arms 

"We don't have to talk about it sweetheart I won't force you" he whispers and I nod "I know, it's just you've been gone, my dads gone but I don't get him back and, guess what the cops think he was murdered it feels like one thing after another, my mom is always working now and it feels like I barely see her" I say all at once and Dallas hugs me tighter "I am so sorry sweetheart but, i'm back and here for you and I didn't know that about your dad" he says quietly "How could you? You just got back" I reply staying quite, Dallas continue to hold me and console me as tears run down my cheeks with him wiping them away using the pad of his thumb and slowly I fall asleep laying on Dallas as he continues to whisper comforting things into my ear....

The next morning I wake up and realize i'm not in Dallas's arms as I begin to feel around the bed I realize i'm alone "Dallas" I say, my voice sounding very tired, that's when I hear the shower running so I get up and tip toe over to the door and knock softly "Dallas" I say "Yeah?" he asks loudly over the sound of running water "C-can I come in"    "What?" he asks "Nothing"   "I heard you come in sweetheart" I hear him say softly so I  slowly open the door and notice the room is full of steam and sit on the counter and Dallas peaks his head out "Are you okay?" he asks worriedly and I nod "Didn't you just shower yesterday?" I ask and he chuckles before responding "You try being in jail for a month without good water pressure" he says with a laugh and I just look down and pick at the edge of my nails 

"Brook?" he asks after a few minutes of silence "I'm still here" I say and he reaches out the shower to grab a towel after turning the water off, when he steps out his hair is everywhere and the towel is wrapped around his waist and then I notice a small tattoo of a dove just below his collar bone "When did you get that" I ask and stare at the tattoo "When my grandmother died I begged my parents to let me get it" he explains and walks towards me "Now are you going to tell me whats wrong?" he asks "Nothings wrong" I lie and I know, he knows that I'm lying. Dallas asks me to close my eyes so I do and he puts on grey sweatpants when I open my eyes and he steps between my legs asking me once whats wrong once again "I woke up and didn't know where you went so I heard the shower and decided to knock" I explain then realize how silly I must sound "Was my girl worried?" he says in a joking tone. 

I look down feeling embrassed just, to feel Dallas lift my chin up with his fingers "It's okay sweetheart" he says softly and, kisses my cheek"Come on, i'm sure my mom has made breakfast" he says and lifts me off the counter and sets my down and we walk hand in hand downstairs to the kitchen, I say "Good morning" to Dawson, Eric and, Angelica before eating breakfast after breakfast I notice another small tattoo this time on Dallas back it's a small triangle I wait until Dallas and I are back in his room to ask about it, he tells me that it has no real meaning he just liked it so he got it, I'm slowly starting to learn more about him but, I still wish I knew more.......

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