Chapter 14

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                                                                                  Brooklyn P.O.V.  

As i'm driving to this hospital my mind is spinning what happened to my dad, is he okay? So many thoughts and worries i'm trying my hardest not to cry. I pull into the hospital parking lot and run inside to find my mom she spots me and hugs me tightly and begins to cry "M-mom what happened?"   "Y-your father was shot " my mom says and I can't help but gasp in shock and hug my mom tighter as I try not to cry "What!? Why!?" I say in a shaky voice "They don't know but they heard a gunshot at your fathers office and found him with a bullet in his chest the doctors are trying to do everything they can" is my dad going to survive this?

My mom and I finally sit down and thoughts are swirling in my head so I call the one person who might be able to calm me down,Dallas, and no answer so I text him.

Dallas Grey 

"Dallas please call me back please"-4:35pm

Nothing where is he? Then I call Dawson knowing he'll be able to keep me calm and luckily he answers, " Brook hey what's up"     "It's my dad" I sob   "Woah woah what happened?"   "H-he got shot"   "WHAT? Are you okay? Where are you?"  "The hospital" I say and he says he's on the way to the hospital so we end the call. Soon Dawson and his parents show up and Dawson immediately hugs me and his mom goes over to mine and hugs her, they've been friends for a long time she's receptionist at the hotel my mom manages, his dad walks over and tries to help comfort my mom as well "Everything will be okay Brook, okay?" he says in my ear and I nod we sit down and he continues to console me then I realize Dallas isn't with them "Where's Dallas?"   "Oh he's at the police station... another interrogation" another? I know Dallas told me they kept bringing him but I thought they stopped since he hadn't mentioned it.

"He's really scared apparently they're getting a case against him which makes no damn sense Dallas may look tough but he could barely kill a fly" tell me about it Dawson. Then we fall silent with me worrying over my father and now Dallas why didn't he tell me they were still questioning him? Was he worried I'd freak out? Well now I get to worry not just about my father dying but also Dallas going to jail!? Dawson shakes my shoulder "Brook they have news" I must've zoned out so I get up and stand by my mom when I hear the doctor say "We did everything we could but his injury was infected and I'm so sorry for your loss but Dave Bennett is dead" Dave Bennet is dead, Dead. My father is dead the doctors words echo in my ears, my world stops I hear my mom scream and begin to sob however, i'm stuck where I am not moving looking straight ahead I feel nothing, my dad is gone I'll never hear his laugh, never get one of his pep talks again like he gave me when I was writing my speech. "Are you okay in there?" I hear my dad ask from the other side of the door, "Super dad." I say sarcastically. He opens the door and sits on my bed, "What's wrong brook?" "I can't figure out this speech" I say with a sigh and lean back on my bed "Why don't you go to Dawson's house for the day we've been talking to his parents and they think it'd be good for you guys to hang out again" 

He was always good at those, I remember before my first day of high school he gave me the talk and about how I would be fine and make him proud no matter what. All the sudden I feel Dawson's arms around me but I still feel nothing like I'm numb I hug back and hold onto Dawson when his phone starts to ring and says it's Dallas I tell him to answer it then look at my mom who is holding onto Angelica and Eric. We stand there for what feels like forever until the Grey's offer to let us stay at their house for the night we agree and head to their house. When we arrive they let me go into the guestroom, which is on the second floor and the door across from Dallas's room it has a bed in the middle and a closet against the wall to the right it's smaller then Dallas's room but still a nice size. 

After looking quickly into seeing Dallas's room and seeing he's not there I go back down stairs, I still feel numb I get describe it none of it feels real. My dad is gone, not gone dead. After a day full of tears, mainly from my mom we all head to our bed I still haven't seen nor heard from Dallas but I try to push that out mind Dawson said he's been at the police station all day being questioned and whatnot, later that night around 11pm I hear Dallas's door open then close. I look over at my mom when I see she's asleep I get out of the bed and sneak across the hall and knock on the door quietly and softly when Dallas opens the door his eyes are not the welcoming ones i'm used to they look angry then he realizes it's me and his eyes soften "What are you doing here?" he says sightly harsh  "I didn't mean it like that I just didn't know you were coming"     "My uh my mom and I are staying the night her" suddenly he looks worried "Why is that?"    "My uh my dad is gone" I say with my voice cracking "Gone like...?"   "Dead yeah" he pulls me into his arms and wraps them around me "I am so sorry brook I had no idea"      "I texted and called"      "I know i'm sorry I was... busy" and I know he's lying "Busy?"    "Yeah uh my project with Asher" he says nervously.

  "Oh are you sure you weren't done at the police station being questioned by the police again?" I say my voice rising but still staying low as to not wake anyone up. His eyes widen and he looks shocked "H-how did you know that?"   "I ask Dawson you idiot, why didn't you tell me yourself?"    "I didn't want to worry you" I scoff at his words "Worry me? Worry me? WORRY ME?" I say and shove my hands into his chest but he barely moves due to the fact he has muscles, me not so much "I HAVE BEEN WORRIED ABOUT YOU ALL DAY, MY DAD IS DEAD I DON'T HAVE HIM AND MY BOYFRIEND IS BEING QUESTIONED BY THE POLICE THEY'RE GETTING A CASE AGAINST YOU BUT YOU DIDN'T WANT TO WORRY ME" 

I scream whisper at him and his eye watch me carefully as I talk "You think I don't know that brook!?" he says firm but not raising his voice   "Of course you do but you didn't tell me about we were just together this morning and you couldn't tell me?"     "I wanted to but we were just having such a nice morning and I didn't want to ruin it with 'Oh by the way I have to go into the police station to get questioned for a murder I didn't commit' okay? I didn't want to ruin how you looked your eyes were so happy and I couldn't dare ruin that" I nod and sigh "I'm sorry today has just-"   "Don't you dare be sorry" 

He says and takes me in his arms and I lay my head on his chest as he moves his hands under his hoodie that i'm still wearing to rub my back and he kisses my head "I should've told you about the questioning and I am so so so sorry about your dad sweetheart had I known I would've ran out of the police station that same moment"    "It doesn't feel real Dallas nothing does first Alice now my dad"   "I know but it's okay brook everything will work its way out okay?"   "Okay"I sigh and close my eyes   "Do you want to stay with me tonight?" he says unsure "Please?" I say and look up at him with my bottom lip poking out and doing puppy dog eyes"   "Of course sweetheart" he says as he picks me up and sets me on his bed before reaching into his closet and grabbing sweat pants "You might want to change out of those jeans" he says and I nod quickly heading into the bathroom to change, they're a little big so I use my hair tie to make them fit better before I walk out "C-could I have a different hoodie this one smells like a hospital" I say nervously and he just nods then tosses me on before turning around.

Once I've changed and i'm in Dallas's bed waiting on him to finish showering and come to bed I find myself drifting to sleep holding onto one of his pillows only to be awakened by Dallas sliding into bed so I move the pillow and move into his arms with me curled up against his side and as I quickly fall back to sleep with Dallas moving a piece of hair out of my face and kissing the side of my head whispering a quick "Goodnight sweetheart"..........

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