Chapter 5.

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My breathing sped up. Emily noticing it, but confused. I started to squirm in her arms. Attempting to get loose. Moment I'm free, I start racing over to him.

"Slow down! What's going on?!" She chased.

"It's hard to slow down when he's here!" I growled. My annoyance already peaking.

He starts walking towards me as well. Matching my pace. Soon we're standing a foot apart. "So it was true!" He chuckled.

"Why are you here, Aidan? Out of all places?" I furiously questioned.

"Well, I had to see my favorite girl alive! Especially after our encounter!" He answered. Too cheery. "Also to warn you. I won't stop till you're underground. Why am I telling you this? Because you won't be able to stop it."

"You do know you have a whole team after you, right?" I reminded. I could hear Em on the phone behind me.

"Yeah, but it's not like they'll catch me here! It's just you and your friend, and last time I checked you don't have your handcuffs on you! Isn't that right, Agent Mars?" He haunted.

"She may not, but I sure as hell do. Aidan Owens you're under arrest for the attempted murder of Nova Mars. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say will be used against you in court." Em stepped up. God she's so hot when she speaks so demandingly. I watched her walk towards the door.

Bumping into Hotch and Derek. Taking Aidan from her and into their car. She then runs back to me.

"I could've handled that," I jokingly pout.

"Yeah, yeah. Now back to where we were!" She giggled picking me back up.

"You're such a flirt, you know that right?" I snarled.

"Oh shut up, you know you love me!" She retaliated.

I puffed out, "do I? Mmmmmh, yeah I think I do."

She carried me all the way out. Getting confused looks from the two men. I wouldn't blame them either.

I hadn't show any emotion, or trust in anyone new for seven months. Now I'm acting like a high school girl!

This women can change me so easily. Over our small chatter, I could hear Derek on a call.

Easily identifying it was Pen, as he used the name 'babygirl'.

"Do you wonder what they're talking about?" I softly mentioned.

"Who? Morgan and Garcia?" She responded with more questions. I nod. "Mmm probably the case they were working on while you were here."

"Oh, what was the case?" I knitted my brows looking up to her.

"Families in the area are showing up dead, most having infants." She summarized.

"Sounds sadder than usual. Oh but let me guess! I won't be able to help because I'm on bed rest?" I squinted.

"Makes you feel better, you're at least allowed at the office with Garcia!" She winked.

"She does indeed make my time in that office better," I nodded. She let out a light chuckle. Making my heart beat fasten, and butterflies form in my stomach. Clearly my feelings for her came back.

I rest my head against her chest, closing my eyes. Soon falling into a light sleep. Being conscious of the world and sounds around me.

"How'd you do it?" I could hear Derek ask.

"Do what?" I felt Em answer.

"Get her to trust you. She let you touch her, better yet, hold her. Not to mention the amount of emotion she's showing now." He profiled. "I mean look at her! She's sleeping in your arms. Like actually sleeping. She hasn't actually slept for the seven months. So how'd you do it?"

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