Chapter 6.

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The tension and silence stayed until the red light.

"Look at me," she commanded. With confusion and curiosity, my head turns to face hers.

Our eyes meeting.

"When you said I knew exactly why you trusted me so quickly, what did you mean?" She raised. Her breathing speeding up. Mine racing to match hers.

"I-I-I didn't really mean," I stuttered, not even finishing the sentence.

"What'd you mean?" She pressed, inching her head closer to mine.

"I really didn't mean anything, it was just a small joke." I whispered.

"There was more too it. I profile people for a living, you can't lie to me that easily." She mentioned.

I stayed staring into her eyes. Too scared to look away. Too nervous to look away. I was locked into her gaze.

Yet boldly, I shift my eyes down to her lips. Then quickly back to her eyes. How badly I wanted to feel her lips dance with mine. She squinted, then looked away.

I stayed looking at her though. Her side profile being perfect. I scanned every curve. Every detail. She seems so perfect to me. Maybe to anyone else, she would seem average. Not for me though. For me, she was beyond average.

"Do you remember the Hankle case?" I brought up.

"The one where Reid got kidnapped?" She tried to clarify.

"Yeah. The moment you got there, was after JJ, Reid, and I all went to the barn. Reid went out back, leaving me and JJ for the front. I left her to go inside the barn because I heard something off in the trees. After not finding a thing I go back to JJ. Then I hear Reid in the back talking to someone, and JJ's screams. Me being me, I went for JJ. I walked in, flashing my light around. It's funny how I can so vividly remember her pointing her gun at me so lost. I look over, and she had shot the dogs. Later, I sat in the bathroom with JJ. You walked to the door way, but I could tell she thought you were a dog. She turns around grabbing her gun quietly. Then asks you how you were handling all this. Hotch comes in, and says you haven't blinked an eye. You were lost and confused about it. And yet, so calm at the same time. Like you saw this happen every second of your life." I recapped.

"Why do you remember that?" She interrogated.

"Because it was a question I dwelled on. Those few days, I couldn't stop thinking about that question. After the five years I worked there, I'd never watch anyone keep their cool as well as you. Especially when we watched Reid at gun point. Yes, you showed some worry, but the rest of us were shaking like crazy." I replied.

"What's the point?" She pursued.

"The point is that you keep everything together. Including your emotions! Even right now!" I jumped ahead, the car coming to a stop.

"You think I have my emotions under control?!" She raised her voice a bit.

"Better than anyone! Even Hotch doesn't have that much control! He may not wear his emotions, but his body sure as hell does! While you! You just keep them so controlled!" I matched her volume.

"I can tell you now, I'm the least emotionally controlled! I'm surprised you've never caught on! You're the best person at reading body language!" She complimented.

"That's because you are impossible! And what do you mean I've never caught on?!" I shook my head.

"Just forget about it!" She said, unbuckling her seat belt. She quickly got out the car.

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