There's one part of my brain that wants Winger to love me and we could be happy forever. There's another part that says that I don't need a guy. I'm not just some damsel in destress. I can take care of myself, I'm independent. If I get a mate then they'll want to do everything for me. They'll be clingy and... I just don't know about that much commitment. Plus I don't want someone to use me just to carry their babies because I'm pretty. I not gonna lie... I was very beloved on my island because I was beautiful but I don't want someone just to use for my beauty. I want someone to value me and never look at other females the way he would look at me. Though I don't think Winger would do those thing but... he's out of my league. He would definitely like other females just because I'm not good enough for him. He would think I can't take care of myself because he had to save me from Shadow. Not saying it's his fault I'm just not good enough for him.

I come back to my senses and realize everyone is staring at me. Crap did I say that out loud!?!

"Are you ok? You've been staring at nothing for awhile." Winger said. Why does he care...

"Um... so I didn't say what I was thinking out loud?" I ask.

"No." Summer says with an raised eyebrow. I let out a relived sigh.

"So what were you thinking about?" Aggro asked.

"Shadow?" Winger asks. His face gets a little... meaner and his voice came out as more of a growl.

I wonder why he's so mad but shrug it off and say, "Kinda of...."

"Who was that anyway?" Leyla asks.

"Yeah and why was he trying to kill you?" Dak added.

"It's... complicated. Let's just say didn't do what they told me to do and now their angry." I say carefully, trying to say the right words.

"That's very vague... like sometimes I'm vague but that was like super vague.." Burple says. I mean I didn't need that big of an explanation but he's not wrong.

"I, uhh, um..." I stumble over my words not really knowing what to say to that. I didn't want to explain to them why their after me, I still didn't know if I could trust them. My mind wasn't completely focused on them ether. Whenever I thought about my father images of Royal (My father) killing my mother came to my mind.


I sat in the corner of our family cave watching what was going to unfold out in front of me. My mom was just about to look at me and tell me something but my father landed in our cave at that second.

"What are you doing back so early?" My mom questioned him. He started growling and lunged at my mother. She managed to jumped out of the way though.

"Royal, What are you doing!" My mother, Pearl asked wide-eyed. He started to back her up into a corner. Me being very young didn't realize that my mom was in actual danger. I assumed he would pounce on her playfully and give her lick, like he usually does.

I didn't realize how scared she was. Not for her own death but for all the pain and misery that the whole flock would suffer because of her death. How much I would suffer.

"Was it fake? Did you ever really love me?" She said quietly but I could still hear. It was like she knew she was about to die. Her eyes were full of sincerity, love and compassion. My fathers eyes seemed to widened a bit before he continued to growl not answering her.

Pears eyes were full of tears at this point, "Answer me!!" She yelled at him her voice breaking.

"No." He said in a low voice then pounce on her quickly and swiftly. Their was a loud snap heard coming from Pearls neck when Royals teeth collided with her neck.

"MOM!!" I screamed. H-He killed her! My fathers head snapped over to me when her heard my voice. He had no idea that I was their before I yelled.

"This isn't who you are..." My mothers weak voice told Royal.

She seemed to be trying to reach out to him but little did she know he was already to far gone. Her eyes and the way she looked at him, was how she always looked at him, full of love. She loved him even when he had just killed her. That is something I will never understand. He watched as her eyes slowly shut.

Once her eyes were fully shut he said, "It is now."

Once Royals head was higher you could see the blood dripping from his mouth. His head looked towards me again the growled lowly, "Keep you yapper shut and you won't end up like your mother."

I whimpered and pushed myself against the cave wall. I had never felt more afraid of anyone in my entire life. He started walking away when his head quickly looked up. He seemed to squint at something that I couldn't see. He flew off, leaving me alone with my mother. I ran to her and started nudging her with my small snout. Though she was already gone. I looked at my mother full of dread.

That day I promised myself that I would never be so helpless and scared again. I would never let myself lose hope of who I was.

End flashback~

I had broke that promise long ago. I had lost hope. I had lost myself and most importantly I was scared. I spent my whole life being scared. That's why I can't be with Winger... he would betray me just like my father betray my mother. I... I can't get hurt again.

"It's ok you don't have to tell us if you don't want to." Summer said kindly, bring my mind back to reality.

"Thanks." I replied gratefully.

If she was who says she is and how she acts is really her then we could probably be friends. Though I'm still not completely convinced they are who they say they are. It... it just seems to good to be true. Four things I leaned; 1 People/Dragons are never who they say they are; 2 Things that are too perfect are always a trick; 3 Never trust anyone; 4 I'm meant to be alone.... Follow these rules, these rules will keep you alive.

We eventually go into the sleep cave and the Rescue Riders fall asleep but I'm kept awake by my overwhelming thoughts to leave. The last thing I thought before I went to sleep was 'I don't belong here...'.


Ok. I don't really have anything to say. Um... hope you enjoy! Vote and Comment! Byeeeeeeee!

Love with Wings  *BOOK TWO*Where stories live. Discover now