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So I've been thinking about writing more Rescue Riders fanfics. I have three ideas! One of them I'm for sure writing, I not gonna to mention that one yet. These two fanfics are romance so yeah. Also I want to ask what do you think I'm better at. Romance or more action packed ones. Also if I post anymore fanfics it will be after 'love with wings.' Ok here they are...

1. Dak X OC. Winger X OC. Summary: A mysterious girl comes to Huttsgalor, she's also the same age as the Rescue Riders! Dak immediately takes a interest towards the strange girl. The Rescue Riders thinks she hiding something, especially because she doesn't have a boat... Dak is to blinded my his attraction to realize she's hiding something. Dak and Layla get in a fight on the matter... will they figure out what she hiding or will this tear the siblings apart?

2. Dak is getting these weird dreams about a girl. It gets to the point where he sees her in the day too. It's like she's faded almost like a ghost. Dak thinks he's just hallucinating from lack of sleep but is he really? Little does he know that this girl is not a ghost and is really calling him to her. Dak also doesn't know that he's the only one that can save her. (This ones actually kind of Dak X OC)

Love with Wings  *BOOK TWO*Where stories live. Discover now