Waking up

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Voilet P.O.V—

I carefully open my eyes and memories flood my mind. Winger- the Alpa dragon helped me and protected me. Why though? He chased away Shadow witch I'm really glad about that. I can't believe my father sent Shadow to come get me. Wait a second... where am I? I try to move but I feel a sharp pain in my leg. I hold back a whimper. I see in front of me two humans one girl, one boy. They appear to be twins or at least siblings. Behind them are some dragons. A yellow and grey razerwing, a purple and white rock spitter, a small firefury. The other species I can't identify but I know she's a water dragon. Wait... a fastfin! I don't normally see water dragons sense most live in the water.

The human girl sighs but not a sad sigh... like she's content with... what? "Your finally awake." The girl says. I move myself that my I'm not sprawled out on the ground. I move my legs (even if one of my legs screams at me not to) to a better position that way a look better posture with my tail curls slightly up near my stomach but I was still laying down. I had my head up and tilted slightly at the human girls words. Tilting my head when I'm confused is just a habit- it's actually kind of annoying to me but I didn't care enough to correct my self. My right paw is raped with a human thing- which I don't like. The group smiles kindly at me but just because they have smiles on there faces doesn't mean their trustworthy. I leaned that the hard way. Their wingers friends... right? I suddenly realize I'm in a human village! I growl, my eyes darting around at the humans passing us.

"Wait no" the human boy doesn't getting to finish his sentence because I quickly rise to my feet, my mind racing. I also quickly forgot that my paw was injured. I put pressure on it and quickly pull it back up. This time I couldn't hold back my wimpier. It was small but just loud enough for them to hear.

"It's ok we're just trying to help." The girl says and her hand reaching out towards me (my face). In response I jerk my head back, now on my hind legs. My eyes wide looking at the hand in front of me, my breathing also harder. The girl quickly pulls her hand away from me.

"We're friends of Winger." The boy says.

"Huh?" My breathing slowed and my head now tilted the other way (left). I did remember seeing them when the fight went down. Though I was to busy fighting Shadow to really notice. I go back down on my four legs- well really three since my right front leg is hurt. I see there eyes look over to something next to me. It's winger! He's looks like he's sleeping, all curled up with his tail fin over his muzzle that was tucked underneath his stomach. He actually looks kinda cute like that... oh jeez- don't think about his cuteness. Think about anything else then how hot he was when he saved me- dah no!

"What's your names?" I ask them.

"My names Leyla, that's Dak, Summer, Burple, Cutter, Aggro and I think you already know Winger. We're the Rescue Riders!" The human girl says.

"Wait a second... did you just answer me? I didn't even realize you guys could speak dragon. That's definitely the first time I heard of humans speaking dragon." I say.

"When we were really little a mother dragon came and rescued us from a shipwreck." Layla responds

"Who raised us beside her own son winger..." Dak says.

"Huh... that's cool. My names Voilet." After that my eyes drifted to my wrapped paw.

"Could you take this off?" I ask them.

"Well yeah but if we do it might start to bleed again." Dak responses.

"It's ok I have my own way to heal it." I say.

"Umm ok..." Layla says and carefully unwraps it.

"Thanks," I say. I look at the cut. It's pretty deep but nothing I can't fix. I gently lick my wound. After only a couple seconds I stop and I see it starts to heal. After a minute it's gone and there's not even a mark. I look back up at the small group and they all have flabbergasted faces on.

"You just healed that... with your spit..." Burple says.

"Umm yeah I guess that's one way to put it..." I responded.

"H-How did you just do that!" Dak asks.

"I drank from a magical lake and now I have the power to heal." I say sarcastically.

"Really!" Burple asks. I snicker at his innocences.

"I was being sarcastic." I say.

"Oh." Burple says and looks away embarrassed. I somehow find his innocence amusing.

"Well it kind of a long story.... so my grandma was a angel glider. It's a species that got killed off by dragon hunters. Anyway they had amazing abilities to heal. They used to live alongside Swiftwings. The Swiftwings would protect they angel gliders and the angel gliders would heal the Swiftwings if they got hurt. It was an amazing friendship. But once word got out about these rare and beautiful dragons- not to mention their powers. The dragon hunters started going after them. The Swiftwings got scared and left the Angel Gliders. The Angel Gliders weren't powerful enough to protect themselves so they got hunted to extinction. Before that my grandma fell in love with a Swiftwing and they had my mother. Who was half Swiftwing and half Angel Glider. My mother got together with a Swiftwing- my father and I was born. 1/4  Angel Glider and 3/4  Swiftwing." I explain.

"I didn't know that different species could be mates..." Cutter says, he's in the back next to Aggro. Aggro was smiling at the ground. I wonder if they are together? Or maybe they just like each other?

I start to hear Winger stir. He gets up an stretch's out and does THE CUTEST yawn EVER!

"Hey guys." He says.

"Are you ok?" Layla asks.

"Yeah, that was some battle. AND Why didn't you tell me you could do that!!!" Dak adds.

Winger just chuckles says " I'm fine and I had no idea I could do that either..."

"Well it makes sense if your father made you Alpa then you would have new powers." Summer says.

"Cool!" Burple adds.

"I have to add this in my dragon diary!" Layla says.

"Umm so I know I did something I never done before but... what exactly did I do?" Winger ask. Everyone's eyes widened.

"You don't remember?" Aggro asks.

"I mean I kinda do but not really. I remember seeing shadow trying to kill you." Wingers eyes drift off to me when he said that. "And I did something.... and he left... then I heard you and I was really tried from the fight so I passed out..." Winger finishes and was now looking at me.

The Rescue Riders started explaining the fight to him...

Ok that's it. I hope you like this chapter, it took me forever to write. I thought that it was really... well boring but it is an important chapter because it explains a lot of stuff! And thanks  @D394222 for the idea to make a dragon have different species inside them. Because I wanted her to have healing powers and this was a perfect explanation! The 'Angel Gliders' I sorta just made up and if you use this name and species then give credit please!

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