Chapter 1

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    It had been nearly two months since the Raccoon City incident and Scarlett had went into hiding. She was currently on her way to the apartment she had gotten in a small town in Tennessee after having taken a small chunk of money out of Jill's account. It gave her enough to live off of and move when she needed to for the next few years but she had left Jill far more money than the woman had probably wanted her to. She was working as a waitress in a small diner and was going by the name Aroura Miller for the time being.

  When she had gotten inside her apartment she locked the door behind her and checked to make sure noone had come into her home. She also checked to make sure her weapons and anything she'd taken from Raccoon City were still inside the small black backpack she'd bought. She thought back to the day they'd made it out and smiled softly. She had ended up buying clothes and the backpack when she'd gotten into the city they'd landed outside of as quickly as she could and changed storing everything that could link her to the incident in the bag.

  She'd been keeping tabs on the five people she'd met in those two days and knew that Jill, Carlos, Leon, Claire and Sherry were relatively alright but that's all the media had said about the survivors and had moved on to covering Umbrella's downfall. She glanced at the small phone she'd bought a few weeks ago, it was one of two she had bought, and she had already contacted Jill with the other, telling the woman she was ok before smashing it so she couldn't be tracked.

   She frowned when it lit up and the annoying ringtone blared through her apartment. She knew it was likely that it was just her boss but she answered cautiously anyway.

  "Hello?" She said as she answered after seeing it was an unknown private number which made her frown.

  "Good to know I have the right number. I'm glad you made it out Scarlett."  Scarlett froze when she heard the familiar cool voice of Ada Wong.

  "Wait! I know you don't trust me but I swear to you that I'm not going to let anyone know this number or use it to track you." Ada rushed to say when shs knew Scarlett would have most likely hung up.

  "What do you want Ada." She hissed back at the woman, checking all her windows and locks were still intact. She noted that there were no suspisious cars sitting out on the street or that the people walking the streets didn't seem to notice her looking out her windows and carried on.

   "I know I'm the last person you want to hear from but I wanted you to know one of your friends, Claire, has been captured and is being held on a remote Island. Someone from your past is going to save her but I figured you'd want to help. Good luck." Ada said back waiting for Scarlett to start yelling at her or to simply hang up.

  "Send me the location. And Ada... Thank you." Scarlett said before hanging up and waiting for her computer on the desk by the window to ping with an email. When it did she quickly went to it and found a email from an unknown sender with the coordinates to a remote island that wasn't even listed on a map. There was also a small message below it.

  'Stay safe Scarlett. I'll be looking forward to hearing from you again, I know you don't trust me but I hope we can become friends, after learning what they did to you I am truely sorry.' -Ada.

  Scarlett scoffed at the message, she was sure the woman wasn't being truthful but she did have a small amout of hope that she was. She did tell her about Claire afterall. Scarlett chewed her bottom lip before opening a email draft and typing out a message to Jill telling her that she was ok still but she was going to be trying to find Claire. She let her know what was going on vaugley before sending it and turning her computer off and going to change into different clothes and grabbing her backpack along with her wallet and leaving the small apartment to get into the used jeep she had bought.

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