Chapter 8 : Pain Killers

Start from the beginning

Y/N started shaking visibly when she came to a haunting realization. She took a shaky breath, turning to face the figure. She found tears welling up when she looked at the person in front of her. "Sierra..." she spoke, barely above a whisper, but Meliodas heard it. He remembered Y/N mumbling things in her sleep one night, and she mostly said that name.

"You monster!" Sierra screamed, having been revived by Melascula. Y/N took a step back, surprised.

"You killed everyone in our village!"

Y/N took another step back, bumping into someone. Y/N knew that that person was her captain, but she didn't care to look. She knew what was happening, she knew of Melascula's commandment and she wasn't planning on defying it. But Sierra's words took a huge toll on Y/N. Y/N could've handled it coming from any other person, but this wasn't any other person, this was Sierra. Y/N would gladly kill to save her.

"I saw it all! You and your power, burnt every villager alive."

With a deep breath, Y/N smiled weakly and staggered towards Sierra, tears freely flowing. The H/Cette engulfed Sierra in a tight hug. Sierra struggled to be released, but soon found herself hugging back. Y/N cried into her sisters shoulder. "I'm so sorry Sierra. I lost control. I killed everyone. I didn't mean to... I'm so sorry."

Meliodas had never seen this side of Y/N. Sure there was that one night when they were traveling to Edinburgh, but that's it. Thinking back on it, he realized she was dreaming of her sisters death. It was saddening. He found himself paining just seeing how broken Y/N was right now. And to think he had just strangled her increased the pain tenfold.

"Oh Y/N... It was not your fault. You were broken and you weren't thinking. It's okay." Sierra calmed Y/N, stroking her H/C hair. Meliodas stood back respectively, watching the exchange of tears, apologies and reassurance.

Seeing Meliodas in the corner of her eye, Sierra immediately knew what the feelings Y/N was hiding were. She mouthed "Take care of her." to Meliodas. He nodded, walking towards the two girls. Slowly prying Y/N off of Sierra's arms, he held her himself.

Sierra having no regrets anymore, fell to the ground, slowly dying. Y/N immediately let go of Meliodas' embrace and kneeled next to her sister. "Sierra, don't leave me again!" Y/N cried, seeing her sisters pale skin. Sierra weakly raised her hand and cupped Y/N's cheek.

"Let go of your sin... You've... suffered.. enough. I... love... you..." her arm fell as her breathing ceased. "No!" Y/N choked out. She got ahold of Sierra's body and hugged the redhead. "DAMNIT!" Y/N yelled, making Meliodas flinch.

Is this how she felt when Sierra died. Silently sheding a few tears, Y/N put on her figurative mask. She stood, wiping her tears and looked at Meliodas with a cheery smile, though anyone could see the bitterness on her face. Meliodas walked towards Y/N and gave her the warmest, softest hug he could give. Y/N tensed.

"Remember that night we camped, before going to Edinburgh?" Meliodas asked softly. Her mind raced with images of 14 years ago. Taking her silence, he continued. "I told you if you ever need any one of the Super Famous Meliodas Hugs, you knew where to find me. I think you need one right now." he smiled when she returned the hug.

She was hurting, and he had the pain killers.

They stood like that for awhile, hearts racing, no reason why. Y/N slowly let go of her Captian. They both gave each other a warm smile, subconsciously moving closer to each other. Faces centimetres away, they heard a familiar high-pitched screech. Both immediately taking a few steps back, Y/N saw everyone there, causing her face to flush. Y/N coughed awkwardly.

"Princess, you ruined their moment." Gowther spoke to the silver-haired girl who looked like she would die of affection. Gowther was sad that he couldn't study more about love from the two. Although Elizabeth felt a bit jealous, she couldn't help but swoon over the couple, if they even were one. "Ah, I'm sorry! I couldn't help myself!" Elizabeth apologized, bowing.

Meliodas stood with a cheeky smile, though there was faint pink painted on his cheeks while Y/N's face was red. One thing ran through a particular person's mind. They didn't see me break down did they?!

Y/N looked at the group, playing her bored card, though she was anxious that everyone might have seen her in such a state. Meliodas could tell what Y/N was thinking. Y'know having worked with someone who had so many figurative masks on could teach you a few things. Like how to differentiate a person's personality from all their fakes(or maybe it was something else😉).

There was underlying tension between the two. Both knowing what would've happened if Elizabeth hadn't rudely interrupted. "You guys! We're supposed to be saving Diane!!" King screamed, worried about the person he loves. That was the only reason he had come with the group, to inform his captain of their goal. After a short conversation, they all were on Hawk's Mom, hurrying towards Diane's fading presence. They were all inside, except for Y/N who was enjoying the wind. The wind ran through her luscious H/C locks as she closed her eyes taking a deep breath.

The silence was ruined when she felt a large amount of power headed her way. Soon enough Meliodas came running out, telling Hawk's Mom to take a turn away from it. Y/N knew it wouldn't work, but she kept quiet, not wanting to reveal her identity. Everyone else reached outside when the power took a sharp turn, following them.

This was Monspeet and his Hellfire bird. Meliodas declared that he would have to use his full counter. Seeing the bird in the distance, he got his stance ready. Meliodas knew he was giving up his location by doing this, seeming as all the commandments thought he was dead. Y/N started getting worried as Hawk's Mom took a turn towards the bird, and she stood up, ready to absorb the blow.

Hawk being stupid, jumped on Meliodas' face as the bird neared. Y/N was about to jump in front of the missile bird when a certain princess bumped her. Both people who could stop the attack were in an unusual situation of getting a pig and a princess off of them.

Hawk's Mom came into action as it swallowed the Hellfire bird whole, leaving the caster surprised. Monspeet was thinking if it were Meliodas' counter vanish but he immediately left the thought when he realized the bird was distinguished. Mumbling he wasted his power on nothing, he turned around and left.

Y/N finally pryed the princess off of her, and she basically praised the giant pig, Meliodas falling suit. After giving glory to the pig, Y/N listened in on the conversation that had already started. Merlin announced it was too dangerous to follow Diane, it was risking her safety. King voicing his complaints, disagreed. Y/N spoke up, telling him that she sensed another presence with Diane and they both disappeared from the commandments at the same time, and that Diane was most probably safe.

Y/N was also worried for her giant best friend, but she knew it would put Diane in danger if the group followed her. "With that all settled, I think it's time to give you back the powers I stole from you, Captain." Merlin spoke, bringing everyone to shock. Meliodas' bangs covered his eyes, whilst Y/N looked at him, worried. She then realized she had her own powers to get back if they all wanted to stand a chance against the Ten Commandments.

"I guess that makes the both of us, huh?" Y/N spoke, making everyone confused. "After committing my sin, I locked away my power, scared to hurt others." Y/N's smile faltered, remembering that days events, but quickly hid it. "So I'm going to get it back!" she announced. "We're heading to the Druids land, Istar." Merlin spoke and Hawk's Mom set off.

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