#9 : Troubled trade (of) heart(s) (2)

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The person looked strikingly similar to Luo Binghe. He also seemed to be the same age as Luo Binghe would have been if he were alive. The face probably reminded Peak Lord Shen of his long-gone disciple, which was why he was unhappy. Xian Shu Peak disciples, fans of Luo Binghe, gawked at this lookalike of him. The Lord of Jinlan city along with many residents knelt before him to thank him and praise his efforts. This man had managed to catch five out of the seven sowers while Liu Qingge had caught two. This was the first time someone had surpassed the Bai Zhan Peak Lord's fighting ability - no wonder Liu Qingge was agitated. Mingyan was even more curious to know who this young hero was.

The young man's response was very modest and sincere. "City Lord, please, you do me too much honour." he said. "Jinlan City survived this disaster thanks to the concerted efforts of cultivators from different sects. It wasn't accomplished due to one man's efforts." The City Lord continued his praises. "Last night, with my own eyes I saw this young lord capture those sinister demons. What an outstanding sight! Truly a young hero! A great teacher produces an outstanding disciple! Old Palace Master, your lordship's successor is undoubtedly well-qualified." The Huan Hua Palace Master glanced at the young man with pride, but the young hero did not return the gaze. He smiled and glanced towards the crowd of cultivators. Mingyan looked in the direction he was looking and found Peak Lord Shen standing there! Covering his face with his paper fan as if to avoid his gaze! "It seems like Master Shen knows this person quite well to exchange flirtatious glances." Mingyan thought. "Who is he?"

When it came to dealing with the trouble causing sowers that were captured, Peak Lord Shen suggested that they should be treated with high temperatures. One of the cultivators said that it was an inhumane treatment but was soon opposed by the angry shouts of Jinlan city dwellers. Just then, one of the sowers yelled, "Master Shen, don't let them burn me to death. I beg you, Master Shen, please save me!" Everyone present turned to look at Peak Lord Shen. The sower continued to wail. "All we did was listen to your instructions but we never agreed to be burned to death!"


Peak Lord Shen seemed as shocked as the others. The Huan Hua Palace Master said, "The words that came out of this thing's mouth, shouldn't Master Shen explain them?" Pretty soon, everyone present was demanding an explanation from Peak Lord Shen. Cultivators of Cang Qiong Mountain Sect became angry. Sect Master Yue Qingyuan's expression turned cold. 

Qi Qingqi spoke up and said that the sower was trying to frame Peak Lord Shen. But that did not deter the Huan Hua Palace Master. A disciple of the Palace also added fuel to the fire by stating that he had seen the sower's infection marks on Master Shen's hand the previous day. The pills prepared by Peak Lord Mu took at least twenty-four hours to take effect. Those who had taken the medicine the previous day still had the rash, but the rash on Peak Lord Shen's hand had completely vanished. Sect Master Yue also spoke up for his Shidi. But the Palace Master continued to mention rumours and hearsay about Qing Jing Peak abusing its disciples. A female disciple of the Palace intervened in their argument. "If my humble self may be so bold to ask Sect Leader Yue... ordering a teenage youth to fight against a demonic sect elder with hundreds of years of experience and armour bristling with poisoned spikes — could this not be counted as persecution and abuse?" she asked. At that point Peak Lord Shen replied, "Whether it is or not, I don't know. But what I do know is, if a Master pushed their disciple out of the way of the poisoned spike armour and blocked it with their own body, this probably can't be counted as persecution. What do you think, Luo Binghe?"

A lot of the cultivators present, including Xian Shu Peak disciples, were astonished at this reveal. Mingyan had her doubts cleared: it really was Luo Binghe this whole time! Qiaohui, who was standing in front of Mingyan, took a few steps back at the mention of the name and almost bumped into Mingyan. "Are you alright?" Mingyan asked her as she helped her stabilize herself. Qiaohui only nodded affirmatively, but the smile on her face could not mask her shock.

Luo Binghe fixedly stared at Peak Lord Shen, who opened his paper fan with an air of composure. Luo Binghe replied in slow manner. "Shizun placed his life on the line to protect me. This grace I will never forget." "It's really you?" Qingqi said in disbelief. "Shen Shixiong, didn't you say he died?" She then turned to Luo Binghe. "Since you're alive, why didn't you return to Qing Jing Peak? Don't you know, for your sake, your Shizun was distracted..." Just then Peak Lord Shen coughed loudly to drown her voice and make her stop. Mingyan knew exactly what her Shizun would have said next: distracted like he had lost his soul. It seemed like Peak Lord Shen didn't want Luo Binghe to know that he had sorely missed him for years. Or he didn't want the spectators of this scene to know about his feelings.

"That's precisely the point that puzzles people the most." said the Palace Master. "He clearly didn't die, so why insist he's dead? And why is it that he clearly could return, but isn't willing to?" What he implied was very clear. Peak Lord Shen was annoyed by the Palace Master's way of talking. "If he isn't willing to return, then I can't do anything about it." he said. "He comes peacefully, he leaves freely, however it pleases him. If the Old Palace Master wants to say something, please say it straight." The Palace Master spoke with a wicked grin "What I want to say, Peak Lord Shen, you are already well aware. Those here with clear minds will also understand. These sower demons should be incinerated, but if there was someone operating behind the scenes—someone adding fuel to the fire—they should not be spared. No matter what, all of Jinlan City is owed an explanation."

And with that, all of Jinlan city residents were shouting and jeering at Peak Lord Shen. The Old Palace Master was too much! Everyone from Cang Qiong Mountain Sect had their blood boiling. "Shizun abhors evil." Binghe spoke up for Peak Lord Shen. "When it comes to demons, he can't help but kill them on sight and rejoice afterward. How could he collude with them?" Mingyan was really touched by Binghe's words - even if he was with the Huan Hua Palace Master, he still cared for Peak Lord Shen. She turned to see Peak Lord Shen's response - she had gotten used to observing these two back and forth. But she was surprised and confused to see him hurt by the statement. He asked, "Luo Binghe, right now are you a disciple of Qing Jing Peak or a member of Huan Hua Palace?" "After all this, Peak Lord Shen, you're willing to recognize this disciple of yours again?" the Palace Master asked with an insinuating smile. If Mingyan could, she would have slapped the Old Palace Master till all his teeth fell off. Peak Lord Shen responded, "I never evicted him from the Sect. If he is still calling me Shizun, I assume he's willing to be recognized as my disciple." Another heart-touching dialogue! Mingyan immediately turned to look at Binghe. He seemed as if his breath was taken away, as if was waiting to hear these words. This scene was very close to a scene from a novel she had read. Seeing it play out in almost the same manner before her eyes was satisfying.

The bone-chilling silence and glaring that followed was interrupted by a sweet female voice. "Shen Jiu? Are you Shen Jiu?" A beautiful senior female cultivator with fair skin pushed through the crowd to come forward. She pulled out her sword hand held it before her chest in a battle stance. "I am asking you a question! Why do you not dare to look at me?" she demanded. Who was this woman? And why was she addressing Peak Lord She as 'Shen Jiu'? Peak Lord Shen paid her no mind and continued to stare straight ahead with a blank face. "I was saying it was no wonder — no wonder I searched for so many years and never saw you again." the woman had a mixture of anger and sorrow in her voice. "Turns out you had long reached a higher place in life and became this lofty Qing Jing Peak Lord. Ha! ha! How impressive!"

The crowd broke into whispers. Sect Master Yue asked Peak Lord Shen, "Qingqiu, this lady and you... are truly old acquaintances?" Peak Lord Shen did not respond, but the woman did. "Old acquaintances? Not only were we acquaintances, I and this sanctimonious man were childhood sweethearts... I'm his fiancée!"

Mingyan immediately turned to look at Binghe: he was not very happy to hear that.

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