I shrugged, "Apparently not." I paused, noticing that both were still frozen. "Oh shit, you're still frozen. You can move now, sorry."

Both seemed to relax.

"It's true. She was born while I was still human," Bella defended. 

"I've never heard of such a thing," Eleazar spoke up.

"She can show you, if you let her," Edward informed, turning to Jacob, who picked Renesmee up and began walking towards them. "Tanya, you owe us this much. We're all under a death sentence because your sister didn't let us explain."

Tanya looked towards the others, who agreed she should give them a chance. Jacob reached them. Renesmee lifted her hand, causing Tanya to flinch. 

"Don't be afraid. This is how she communicates," Bella reassured. 

Tanya let Renesmee place her hand on her cheek, showing her, what I assumed was her birth. When she pulled her hand away Tanya was wide eyed. 

"It's true. She's not immortal," Tanya revealed. 

I sighed, "Hallelujah. Sorry to ask more of you but my dog is in the car and she probably needs to do her business, so is it alright if I let her out?"


More vampires were arriving, the first to come were three from Egypt, Benjamin, Amun, and Kebi. Benjamin was letting Renesmee show him something before he took her hand and made a small dirt tornado. 

Edward leant towards Bella, "Benjamin can influence the elements."

"And here I get super self-control," Bella joked. 

"That is so cool," I exclaimed. 

Benjamin chuckled. My head shot towards the forest when I heard something, or someone moving quickly towards us. Two women appeared.

"Who are they?" Bella questioned. 

"Senna and Zafrina. From the Amazon," Edward explained.

Bella took Renesmee towards them to introduce her. 

"It makes me feel slightly better that you have a more diverse group of friends than your family," I muttered.

I heard Benjamin chuckle once more. I could tell we would be fast friends. He seemed chill and he had dope powers. 

Garrett, the British hating one, arrived because of Rosalie and Emmett. He, like the others, was quickly won over.

Other friends from around the world arrived, including one of Jasper's friends, Peter, who had fought alongside him as a newborn. I didn't know how to feel about him.

Esme and Carlisle arrived back home with our last witness, Alistair, who was a massive asshole.

"We'll all be on Aro's list now. Centuries on the run. That's what you've brought me. Some friend, Carlisle," Alistair exclaimed.

"Jesus Christ, chill out a bit," I blurted. He glared at me. 

"Alistair, come meet everyone." Carlisle waved him towards us. 

"I already told you, if it comes to a fight, I won't stand against the Volturi," Alistair informed. 

"It won't come to a fight."

"I'll be in the attic," he informed before jumping onto the roof. 

"He's not a people person," Esme spoke up. 


It wasn't long before I had spoken to most of the vampires that were staying with us. Zafrina, I had learnt, could make you see anything she wanted to. It didn't work on me, something about mental manipulation stopped mental attacks from working on me. Not that I was complaining. I was also right about Benjamin, he was chill. We would talk a lot and he met Kiki, who he loved. 

Garrett, although he hated the British, wasn't too bad. I was born in America, so technically all that was British about me was my English accent. He was a bit cocky, but altogether he was actually kind of funny. He had a crush on Kate, anyone could tell. 

I was walking Kiki, Benjamin, with me as we spoke about his life in Egypt. 

I nodded, "That must be hard, being hidden away."

"It was boring," he answered. "I had no friends, only Tia and the others."

"Well, now you have one. Unless you hate me or something, then you don't."

"I don't hate you. You're fun to be around," he revealed. "So, yes, I have a friend other than my coven." 

There was a comfortable silence between us as we continued on our way. 

"It must be difficult being away from Jasper," he voiced, having overheard one of the Cullen's talking about Jasper's absence. 

"I miss him, sure, but I can survive without him. I have before," I dismissed. "But I have friends to keep me company, so it's not as if I'm completely isolated or anything."

Benjamin nodded.


I wasn't alone in my house for long as Leah showed up out of the blue claiming she just wanted to hang out. I had a feeling those around me were trying to make sure I wasn't alone for extended periods of time, as if I would break because Jasper was with Alice and not me. 

It didn't matter how many times I told them I was okay, they didn't believe me. I wasn't even lying. I love Jasper, but I can survive a few weeks without him by my side.

Complicated | Jasper Hale [OLD VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now