Day 3. Welcome To Kayville

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I went upstairs quietly & knocked her door. No answer . I knocked again & heard yawning , it sounded feminine so I'm guessing it was her.

"Mom, you should start getting ready to bring me to school. " I called.

I heard a slightly normal"okay," but I'm guessing she's still tired. I shrugged my shoulders & walked around the house. I looked outside at our backyard & noticed it had a medium size swimming pool.

I will be spending a lot of time out here . I slid open the wide back doors & sat on the pool side , letting my feet get wet. The water was warm since the sun's rays were heating it up .

I stood up & looked over our gate as it was quiet short. I saw a highway & cars were speeding down it . My eyes widened as I saw a cherry red Ferrari . It was like a scene in Fast and Furious.

It was so beautiful the way the cars drove whilst the sun shone down.

I walked around the garden & looked up & saw Yasmin in her room, she was putting on her cardigan. She really needs to get her curtains closed but I must admit, having a view like ours .. you would just always want to leave them open.

"Camilla!" Mom shouted from inside the house .

I walked back inside , shutting the garden doors & saw her in the main room wearing a plain white ralph Lauren shirt, creme chinos & hazel moccasins. She had pulled her hair up into a neat bun with pearl earrings .

"Hey, you look nice." I said, admiring her outfit of choice .

" Thank you , so do you . You look so adorable Camilla " she compliments.

I followed her outside to the car & got into the passenger seat . She sat beside me in the drivers seat . The car started up & already I had a feeling that this day wouldn't be good. The time was now 8:15. I had 15 minutes to get there .

The radio began to play Lorde - Glory & Gore .

"I love this song. " I exclaimed , singing along.

"Back in the days, we listened to real music like Elvis Presley . " she droned & I laughed at how parents always managed to talk about back in the days .

Parents are so stereotypical.

She drove up a wide road full of nice houses & that's when I saw my school. It was quiet big & there were a horde of kids outside talking to one another.

Mom parked in the parking area & we sat there for about 10 seconds .

"This is it .. I guess ." I muttered , already my mood went from good to bad .

Mom kissed me on the cheek & gave me a look as to say 'good luck ' . I gave her a weak smile & got out the car , closing it behind me .

I saw my reflection of  my outfit from someone's car &  I looked  good . My outfit was classy but sassy .

I walked straight for the entrance , it was quiet far away as I was in the parking . I caught a few guys checking me out, but I wasn't interested . By the time i reached the school grounds , a lot of eyes were on me . Guys and girls. Girls looked envious, a few with no expression on their faces but I am a confident person so I just ignored it .

Finally , I reached inside the building were more students were standing , some by themselves, some with friends , some walking around .

The school was massive & the ceiling was so high you would need 3 ladders just to touch it . I noticed a teacher behind a desk in the corner. I'm guessing she worked here . I walked towards the desk & stood in front of her.

"Hello. How can I help ?" She asked , smiling from ear to ear .

" I'm new here. My names Camilla Ryanair . My mom signed me up about three weeks ago . " I replied , giving her a quick smile back .

She looked me up and down & I noticed her staring at my Michael Kors bag . Her eyes widened as if she had just found out she had won the lottery .

" Is that the new Michael Kors bag ?" She asked, not taking her eyes off of it.

"Mhmm. " I nodded my head .

"It's beautiful , very beautiful . " she murmured , mesmerized by the bag .

I gave a awkward laugh & nodded my head once again. Is she going to focus on what's really important here ?

"Anyway , Camilla Ryanair . Miss new girl ." She looked at her computer screen & began tapping away .

After a few clicks & tapping she looked up at me & smiled.

"Yep , you're here. Here's your timetable . Thank you for joining Kayville High. " she announced , handing me my timetable .

I took it from her hands & looked down at it. My first class was Literature . Yes, I love literature.

"Thank you." I said .

The bell went for first period & I knew for sure she was still looking at my bag . She's a funny woman.

After walking around different hallways I finally found my class. I walked in & everyone was sitting down talking as the teacher gathered up papers , trying to prepare the lesson .

"Hi, I'm Camilla Ryanair & I'm new . This is my first class & I'd like to know where I'm supposed to sit." I asked the teacher .

"Hello Camilla! Your the new girl? Let me introduce you to the class." She declared .

Ugh. I hate introductions. This class seemed pretty normal but ..

I. Hate. Being. Introduced.

"So class , we've got a new student here . Her name is Camilla Ryanair & we will all treat her kindly . " She announced, making the whole class look at me .

It was silent & the majority of the class said 'Hi'. I smiled & gave a wave . There was someone who's eyes were piercing into me & I couldn't tell whether he liked me or disliked me. Whatever. I don't care.

"Sit beside Vienna please Camilla. Also, I'm Miss Darcy . " She told me , pointing at a chair beside a girl with blonde short hair .

I nodded my head & sat beside the girl, putting my bag down delicately beside me .

That's when the whispering began ..

" Oh my gosh, she's got the new Michael Kors bag."

"She must be like mega rich ."

"It's just a bag, calm down."

On and on the whispers went  .

I'm already hating this school.

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