Chapter 4: "A Dreadful Summer Beginning"

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I heard my door being opened, I guess Chika is here.

"Hey, Sorry if that took long, kept you waiting huh?" Chika said.

"From what?" I asked in confusion.

"From what, dinner, silly." Chika said as she giggled a bit.

"Oh right, I see." I nod as i sat down and looked at my fingers, they were enough to entertain me.

I waited for Chika to finish cooking dinner, since that's what Chika said.

It was very quiet, asides Chika humming a song while cooking our dinner.




"Dinner's ready Y/N! Wake up!" Chika playfully said as she woke me up.

I cleared my head as i was present with a good looking dinner, I wasn't in the mood to eat that much though.

"Let's dig in." She said as she started eating, I ate, but i only grab a small portion compared to hers, she can eat so much, how does she not get fat? Only God knows.

I ate the rest of my food, and i was already full, I didn't feel like eating anything, so i got up from my chair and headed to my bedroom, as i looked back, I see Chika stop eating and cleaning my plate.

'I don't deserve her, huh?' I said to myself.

I looked at my room, it was messy, as Chika isn't allowed to touch my bedroom, I was pretty mad when i saw clean her clean my room, the shattered notebook was still under my desk, it was my past diary, I tore it apart when i found out my ex was with another man, I couldn't burn it,as Chika stopped me, so i looked at the best option, to rip it to shreds.

'Atleast i still got the necklace that i gave her back, this thing costs a fortune....' I said to myself as i stared at the necklace, it was a beautiful necklace with a red heart that has the letter A engraved to it, the more i stared at it the more worse my vision gets, as i remember my past.

I decided to store it away, as it was too expensive to destroy it, but reminds me of bad memories when i look at it, so i stored it away, forever to be sealed.

I let out a huge sigh as i cover my eyes with my hands, I'm so tired, slowly, my vision to begin to darken, as i slowly drift away to sleep.

-Next day-

I woke up, because it was so hot, particularly this day, I got up to search for water.

I looked at my fridge and it was full of ingredients that i didn't even buy, but i saw cold water, so i drank it and went on my to the living room.

I turned on the fan and simply laze about, I didn't have anything to do in this very hot day.

I heard a noise, and it was Chika rushing into my room, as expected.

"Hello, Y/N, you are early to get up, it's hot right because it's the beginning of summer." Chika said.

"Wait it's already summer?" I asked in confusion.

"Yeah, you always forget about these things, pay more attention to your calendar." Chika said.

"Don't care." I said.

"Ugh, how many times have i heard that from you...." Chika said with a tired sigh as she went on the kitchen to cook.

'So summer has already started huh?' I said to myself as i sat on the couch, getting by the heat barely with my fan.

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