Chapter 3: Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth

Start from the beginning

October 20, 10:30 AM

Chief took a seat and waited for a moment. Then, the doors opened to reveal a young woman wearing a police uniform. She had brown hairs and eyes with a pair of glasses on her face.

"Oh, wow! I knew you were going to get a defense attorney, but I didn't think you would get the Mia Fey to defend me! Good job Dick! Maybe my luck is starting to turn around!" Maggey exclaimed in delight.

We all smiled at her. That's right! Chief is the best! She can handle any case that comes her way!

"Actually, I won't be defending you" chief said with a bright smile, "This case is going to be handled by new employee, Phoenix Wright!"

We all screamed at her suggestion. I just barely got through my first trial! How am I supposed to get through this one?!

"Are you sure about that?! You're way better than him!" Detective Gumshoes shouted.

"And once again, my bad luck returns..." Maggey said in a defeated tone.

"Yeah! Chief, you are better than me! Are you sure you want to do this?!" I added worriedly.

"Phoenix" chief said calmly, "I know you can do this. You now have your special ability with you. Makoto and I will stand at your side too. You can do this. I know you can"

Well, she puts it like that, it does make me feel like I can do this. Also, Detective Gumshoes believes in her. She also seemed very relieved he came back to give her some kind of help.

"Alright, I'll do it. I'll take your case!" I said determinedly.

"Thank you so much! I'll do everything I can to help you!" Maggey said with a bright smile.

I honestly expected her to be upset about it with her luck, but she agreed to take me as her lawyer. Great! Now, I just have to figure out a way to get some evidence. I turned to Detective Gumshoes who shrugged.

"I'm sorry I can provide you with evidence since I am on the prosecutor's detective for the case. However, there is a friend who can help you with this right?" the detective said nervously as he glanced at Makoto.

I wonder who they are talking about.

Criminal Investigation Corp, Main Lobby

October 20, 10:55 AM

(Makoto's POV)

Well, I do know someone, but I am not sure she would be too happy about this entirely. We waited at the main lobby for a few seconds until a young girl clad in purple approached us.

"So, you're the ones who requested a detective? I must say, I didn't expect it to be you" she said in an unimpressed tone.

"Sorry, Kyoko! We knew this was a long short, and we needed a way to get the evidence for us to look at before the trial! Actually, when is the trial?" I asked as thought about the date.

Actually, Mr. Wright forgot to ask that too. I looked at Miss Fey who crossed her arms over her chest and waited. I guess she assumed Mr. Wright would know when the trial was too... Hahaha...

"You do realize it is tomorrow, right? How have you not prepared for it?" Kyoko asked unamused.

"We literally just took the case!" Mr. Wright defended loudly as Miss Fey laughed.

"He's not wrong. We did just take the case today. Would you mind if we looked over the evidence?" Miss Fey asked kindly.

"Very well. You should know the prosecutor already has looked over everything and believes he can win this trial with ease" Kyoko said as she motioned us to follow her.

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