Chapter 1 - Misery

Start from the beginning

I had nurtured a small hope of finding some new friends this year. Today Cassie had made it clear that it would not happen on her watch.

This morning scrutinized myself in the full-length mirror, before getting dressed, desperately looking for any change in my appearance that miraculously might have happened over night. One of Cassie's favourite things to mock me about was my looks. If I changed, she would maybe stop seeing me as provokingly unattractive and have one less thing to tease me about. Watching myself did not give much hope though. My reflection was as disappointing as ever, there was really nothing remarkable about me even if I don't agree that I am as horrendous as Cassie says I am. Unfortunately what Cassie says, everyone else agrees to.

I don't have ugly features, but no one would describe me as pretty either. I am not gifted with high cheek bones or if I am they are hidden under the still lingering baby fat on my face. I don't have full, pouty lips or a perfectly straight cute nose. My eyes are my best asset, sea green, large and framed by long dark eyelashes, but unfortunately I need glasses which make them look smaller and not very noticeable. I have long, thick hair but the colour is a dull dark shade of blonde. Most days it is a bit frizzy and not shiny at all. Cassie says it resembles the fur of a rat and sadly I have to admit she isn't entirely wrong.

So far, I have only described the part of me that is bland, but my body is a true disaster. Even if my face is a bit round, I am not overweight. On the contrary I don't have any curves at all. I mean none. Zero. Nada. Niente. With only a month to go to my eighteenth birthday I have a pathetically flat chest and my non-existent butt is a sad sight. My waist is narrow, so that is fine I guess, but with no curves to accentuate it my entire figure looks pretty much like a straight line. Or an uncooked spaghetti, like Cassie also use to say and, again, I have to admit she isn't entirely wrong. She knows that saying spiteful things that are true is what hurts the most and she is truly an expert in that area.

How I wished I had changed over summer, entered some sort of late puberty phase and returned a different girl than last year, beautiful and full of confidence, but unfortunately I looked same as I had when last semester ended, apart from sporting a tan. I know there are much more important things in life than looks. I have been gifted with a well-functioning brain so my grades consist mostly of A's and my future is probably bright, but I really wish for something that would make Cassie give me some slack and allow me to make friends.

Instead, she and her minions had immediately registered that Alison was missing this year and without a friend by my side, they had attacked me more viciously than usual, pouring the remnants of their lunch in my lap. In the past their assaults were most often verbal, only occasionally physical. This start of the year was not promising.

"Welcome to senior year Selena, I'll make it memorable for you. I thought this was a fitting welcome considering what you did to me first year."

I sat there in shock as tomato soup dripped down my skirt and bare legs and heard their evil laughter ring in my ears. No one came to my defence. No one stood up and told her it was a shitty thing to do. Perhaps some wanted to, but they knew they would get a piece of Cassie's wrath if they did and it simply wasn't worth it for a nobody like me. I held back my tears until I was locked up in a toilet booth, there I sobbed silently for a while before returning to class holding my back straight. Never would I let her see how she got to me and somehow I survived this day like all the previous.

With a sigh I got up from the bench and started walking towards home. Only one year to go, I told myself. Then I am off to college and will not have to see Cassie ever again. I was going to call Alison tonight to at least share my misery with her and hopefully have a laugh together. She always made me feel better.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2020 ⏰

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