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{dream POV}
(back in time a little bit)

{ Imessage }

Gogyyy :
Hey dream could you do me a

Dweamy poo:
sure! what's up? i'm streaming
rn tho 😳

ya it's kinda about that....
could you maybe raid a
small streamer i like? i
sometimes watch her on
my anon acc lol

Dweamy poo
ooh somebody's got a crusshhhhh 😼
jkjk ofc! what's their user?

i do not!!! 😤😤😤
it's y/u/n . thanks again dude

{ irl , streaming }

"Aaaannd.... done!" I say, proud of my decorating skills.
"Okay, there you go chat! The new and improved Dream SMP base!"
The chat was filling up with "pogggg" "pogchamp" "it looks so good!" etc.
"Okay, I think we should raid a small streamer today! Hmmmmm...." I ponder as I scroll through Twitch, pretending to not be looking for a specific person.
"Ooh! How about them! y/u/n! They're playing Bedwars!"
"Byyeeee Thanks for all the support you guys!"

My face lights up as her chat fills up with "DREAM RAIDDDDD!!! POGGG"
'George was right, she's kinda cute' I say to myself.
I didn't realize how long I'd been watching her stream, until she ended it! 'Oh shit!' I curse.

It'd been about 4 hours of me not being able to sleep, when I decided to scroll through twitter for a bit.
Suddenly, I got a DM from a name that stood out to me. 'y/n... y/n... y/n.. where do I know a y/n?! THE RAID!" I remember.

hey! it's y/n, from the raid :)
i just wanted to say thank you
for raiding my stream! i really
appreciate it! anyways, i won't
keep you too long, i know you're
probably really busy. have a good
night :)

'Woah she messaged me AND said thank you on the stream?! She's really nice! Oh god what do i say?!' I couldn't understand why I was nervous, I message people all the time! what's gotten into me?!

hey! of course! i ended up watching
some of ur stream afterwards and ur
really good! yeah  same to you, good
night :)

{350 words}
next chapter will be more exciting, i just
wanted to show dreams pov :)
𝚒𝚖 𝚝𝚒𝚎𝚍 𝚞𝚙, 𝚘𝚑 𝚗𝚘. 𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚎 𝚖𝚎 𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖 - georgenotfound

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