Let the Singles Mingle - Day 11

Start from the beginning

The girls will have a field day with him. I poured my coffee, and took a grateful sip, before heading back inside to take a shower and get ready for the day.


When I woke up, Cara hadn't been in bed anymore, I assumed she'd gone for a swim. I sat up and felt a pounding in my head, I reached for my water bottle and glanced around the room, only to find the bedroom was empty, I glanced at my phone to check the time, 10:28? Woah I hadn't realised how late I'd slept in.

I rolled out of bed and headed to the bathroom. I could smell the alcohol from last night seeping through my pores, I desperately needed a shower. I turned on the shower and brushed my teeth while I waited for the water to warm up. I stepped in and let the water flow over me, I scrubbed away the smell of last night, today was a new day. I needed to get Cara to see things from my point of view. For her to understand why the Bobby thing pissed me off as much as it did. I felt like she didn't have the right to react the way she did when Priya kissed me.

I didn't even know it was Priya kissing me! And sure, I shouldn't have assumed it was Cara who sat next to me, who ran her finger along my jaw. But I had figured it was a safe assumption, none of the other girls had shown any interest in me. But she knew Bobby was into her, and she let him kiss her to test out there was a spark? If he knew she wasn't interested, why did she even let him try. It didn't make sense. He'd been after her since day one and I didn't like it. She needed to see this from my point of view. Maybe now that the alcohol from last night has left her system she'll be able to see this all more clearly. We'll talk it over today and things will be back to normal.

I headed outside to find Rahim and the new guy, Jakub, in the gym, Lottie, Priya and Chelsea lounging in the beanbags nearby watching them, acting all giggly and flirty. Hope and Nathan were lounging on one of the day beds, Cara was strangely perched on the edge of the bed next to them, chatting away. Hope's apology last night had seemed so out of place, but seeing Cara getting along with the two of them so well, seemed even more out of place. It gave me a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Ahh! Oh my god! Guys I have a text!" I heard a squeal from over by the gym. I made my way over there, as did the others.

"My first text from the Love Islander overlords!" Chelsea jumped up and down, clapping her hands together excitedly.

Chelsea and Jakub, it's time for your first dates. You must each choose two islanders to accompany you for drinks this afternoon.
#firstdatevibes #letthesinglesmingle

"Oh my god! Amazing! Okay, now who to choose." Chelsea's pointer finger wiggled over the group.

"I think," she screwed up her face. "Bobby. Would you like to go on a date with me?"

I saw a smile creep across the Scots face, maybe Chelsea will be the girl to finally pull his attention away from Cara.

"I'd love to lass."

"Amazeballs! The second person is like to take on a date is," her finger wiggled over us again. "Noah!"

"Will you be my second first date, handsome?"

I glanced nervously at Cara, she was avoiding my gaze, she hadn't said a word to me yet today. I heard Chelsea clear her throat, I looked back to her, her eyes watching me expectantly.

I sighed, "sure Chelsea. That sounds like fun." I gave her a small smile.

"Yay! I can't wait! Jakub babes, your turn!"

Jakub looked around at the girls, as if he hadn't already thought about who he was interested in before walking in here. His eyes settled on Hope.

"I've done a lot of thinking about this, and the first girl I'd like to take on a date is, Hope!"

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