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My name is McKenna and if you are not already familiar with my writers help books then let me explain them a bit for you here. A lot of my profile is dedicated to helping people with their writing needs. I have a verity of name books and face claim books on my profile if you need any more help or inspiration. I also have some of my own original books on my profile which I encourage you to check out as I work hard on them.

This book is completely free for you to use. Any name you see you can take and use at your disposal or if you just want to read the book for inspiration that is okay as well. It is completely up to you. 

This book contains random names for just random things. Sometimes you need a name for a coffee shop or a TV station and it is hard to find something cool and original. That's where this book comes in to help. As I said, you're welcome to take any names that you see in this book as it is all for public use however I also hope that looking through names will help inspire people coming up with their own names. Although I hope people do like and use my ideas I do believe that when you think of your own name for something in your book it makes it unique to you and more relatable. However, that is only my two cents.

Anywho, I hope you find this book helpful and enjoyable!

- McKenna

Holy Grail of Miscellaneous NamesWhere stories live. Discover now