|47| A Talk About Nomu

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"So what are you in the mood to eat, Endeavor?"

"Just hurry up and tell me what the hell this Nomu business is about, Hawks."

"Geez, someone's impatient."

"Be quiet."

The trio was walking down the street the next day, the siblings helping out citizens and dogs, taking out a Villain in the process as they continued acting nonchalant to their actions, the man staring at the pair in disbelief. The girl was suddenly swarmed by strangers asking if they could have her autograph, claiming that they had been looking up to her for a while now; the girl, unsure of what to do in the situation, did so willingly, waving awkwardly as she watched Endeavor's interaction with children younger than her.

"Let this be a learning experience for the both of us," she murmured and for once, the No. 1 Pro Hero couldn't help but agree with her. A few moments later, they were in Yoritomu, a restaurant selling seafood. Hawks roared with laughter.

"That's what they'll tell you, Endeavor," he grinned, "it's just not the way you usually act. You too, Fal. You'll get used to it, just act like they're your friends in U.A."

"Kinda hard when they all approach me with heart eyes," she snorted to herself, inaudible to the two males in the room. Her brother raised a brow in suspicion but continued his conversation with her friend's father. She fell back, letting her hands rest behind her shoulders as he looked down at her.

"You're awfully peaceful, Falcon," he furrowed his brows, "during a time like this."

She gave him a half-closed smile.

"I mean... the more people panic, the worse the situation gets," she clarified, "if society wants us to replace All Might, then we gotta at least keep a calm public image."

The man fell silent.

"Aside from that... let's talk about business. The modified humans, now officially known as 'Nomu'. The devilish puppets of the League of Villains." He gave the siblings a steely glare as they continued eating. "Dozens were being stored in Kamino but they were all captured with All For One. But the League has been rather active since then... and yet there's barely any confirmed cases."

Hawks swallowed.

"Either... a) that was all of them," he hummed.

"Or, b) there's still more out there, but only All For One is privy to their locations," continued his sister, gazing up at the No. 1 Pro Hero, "it seems to be one of them."

"You both claim they're 'rumours'..." muttered the man, "and yet you've got more information than anyone I know... and you've gone so far as to request a team-up with me, that means you have some sort of proof?"

"Nope, not at all," the siblings grinned cheekily, "they're just rumours."

Endeavor shook with fury as he slammed his hands on the table, causing the girl to yelp as he stormed out, yelling for the check. Halfway through the room, the Winged Hero chose to stop him in his tracks, informing him that they weren't just in the nearby town. He went on to continue, saying that similar rumours were occurring through the rest of Japan. The girl added onto this, muttering that children as young as grade school were talking about it.

"What exactly... are you trying to say?" the Flame Hero paused, gazing back at them.

"The first time we heard about it was when we were on a patrol, Miu training the skills for a Pro Hero, it was from one of the locals," Hawks deepened, "then we cooperated with the police and secretly launched an investigation... only to come up empty-handed."

"But it was still bothering us, so we flew around and tried to do some investigation-"

"I seriously doubt that U.A. is letting you do this..." Endeavor cut through.

"To be honest, I was doubtful as well," the girl stretched her hands up, "but Nezu gave me permission to leave the school grounds, as long as I came back by curfew and was accompanied by someone: in this case, my brother."

"If some bastard is going around trying to spread the anxiety, they've done a wonderful job of it," snorted the blonde. The man continued to silently stare at the siblings. "It's just as my sister said. The more fear and panic there are in the hearts of society, the more this kinda stuff sells and ideologies thrive."

"Not was I was trying to say, but..."

"Quit it already," snarled the man, "what the hell are you trying to accomplish? Tell me about your endgame!"

The winged Heroes gazed at one another.

"You can verify these rumours that have been enveloping society and you can tell everyone to rest easy. I want you to puff out your chest and declare it to the world. And Fal and I won't do much!"

"What, making me do everything now, are we?!"

"We're serious," the girl stated. The Flame Hero narrowed his eyes. "I just want to leisurely patrol the streets, come back, sit back and then hit the hay!"

"That would be the life," sighed Hawks dreamily, "we just want the world to be a place where Heroes have more free time than they know what to do with, ya know?"

Endeavor's gaze lowered, relating to the younger teenager and young adult. Falcon stared, eyes narrowing as she sat up slowly. her eyes darkened, reaching for her visor and placing it on. The men followed her gaze, keeping it steady as a black dot enlarged, making a beeline for the building.

"Hey, Endeavor."

The Heroes remained silent, gazing back as the door slid open and a woman entered, bowing and stating that she had brought the check. She gazed back up, eyes widening in fright as Falcon dived to shelter the woman from the debris that came flying their way as she screamed. She covered the woman's eyes, a bead of sweat rolling down her neck as she let out a low growl.

"Which one of you..." it spoke, its voice raspy, "is... the strongest..."

"Hawks, Falcon, evacuate the building!"


"W-wait, Endeavor, what are you gonna do?"

He remained silent, lighting his body on fire as he clenched his fist.

"Looks like it was more than just a rumour... impeccable timing, really," he glared, "either way... I came prepared for battle!"

As they prepared themselves for battle, one singular thought ran through the Winged Heroes' minds:

That damn Dabi, he lied!

The Hawk and The Falcon *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now