|31| The Best of The Best: Enter the Big 3!

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"I apologise for any inconvenience I have caused!" A harsh voice pulled the girls out of their conversation, turning to face Midoriya as he fiercely bowed, Jiro and Uraraka turning.

"Oh... that's right, your house arrest is off, right?" the girl recalled.

"Thank you for all your hard labour!" beamed the brown-haired girl.

"Hard labour, huh?" muttered Jiro, raising her voice, "why are you so out of breath?"

He ignored her, instead he rounded on the class president, who blinked, slightly taken aback at his unusual behaviour, stating that it was fine as long as he reflected on his wrongdoings, questioning the green-haired boy what the matter was.

"I'm going to bridge the gap between us from the last three days!"

"Ooh, nice! I like that attitude, it's real manly!" grinned Kirishima. Aizawa walked in, the students seating themselves as they stared at their homeroom teacher, waiting for him to start speaking.

"Well, now that Midoriya's back... let's formally talk about the internships," he turned to the door, confusing the students, "come in. Let's hear firsthand from those with personal experience how these internships that the Principal mentioned three days ago are different from the field training that you all partook in. They have made time in their busy schedules to come and talk to you all, so please listen to what they have to say."

"These three third-year students rank at the top of U.A... known as 'The Big Three'."

Three people entered the classroom.

A young man with a muscular build and multiple scars around his lower arms led the trio into the room, marching confidently with a large stride. He had dark blue, oval-shaped eyes and round nose; he had blonde hair atop his hair, the top part arranged into a cowlick and the lower part swept backwards.

Next was a fair-skinned girl of average height with royal-blue wide eyes as she cocked her head. Her periwinkle hair reached down to her knees, twisting around itself at her waist and curving inwards towards her legs; she had side-swept bangs which were tucked behind her ears on the right and hanging over her eyes on the left, two short clumps of hair bordered either side of her face.

The last person had rather pale skin and elf-like ears; his messy, indigo hair was spiked upwards. His indigo, thin, tired eyes were partially covered by his bangs, his shoulders hunched over as he kept his gaze low. He shifted uncomfortably under the class' stares.

"Well... let's start with introductions, I guess," sighed the man, motioning to the third boy, "starting with Amajiki."

There was a momentary silence before he fiercely gazed up, startling the students with his intimidating stare, terrifying the students as his posture immediately fell, his face darkening slightly.

"It's no use, Mirio, Nejire," he muttered, "I was going for potatoes but they still look like people from the head down... what do I do..."

He turned around, placing his head against the wall as the class sweat-dropped.

"I want to leave."


"A-aren't you one of the top three?" Ojiro questioned hesitantly, "U.A.'s best of the best?"

The boy didn't receive a response.

"Hey, you gotta be braver than that, Amajiki!" taunted the girl, though she had a bright smile adorning her feminine features, "hey, isn't it kinda weird that people call it being chicken-hearted, even though you're a human? That's Tamaki Amajiki, and I'm Nejire Hado; Eraser asked us to talk to us about Hero Work Studies..."

She blinked.

"Hey, wait, why do you have a mask?" she questioned, peering over at Shoji, leaning in as he tried to form a response, "you sick or something? Or is a new fashion trend?"

"In the past, I-" he began, only to be cut off as her face lit up.

"Hey, in the back, you're Todoroki, right? Hey, how'd you get that burn, anyway?"

"Well, I-"

"Oh, the girl next to him, you're Takami, right? Hey, are your wings soft?" before she had a chance to register what the third-year was requesting to know, she was suddenly behind her, stroking her wings in awe as she stiffened, "woah... hey, check it out, you two! She's like a bird!"

"I-I would appreciate it if you-" Needless to say, it was pretty easy to tell that Aizawa was starting to grow frustrated with the periwinkle-eyed girl's antics as she beamed, claiming that she was a naturally curious girl and she couldn't help it.

"Does anyone here have a sense of rationality?" he grumbled, narrowing his eyes as he activated his Quirk and turned to the blonde who enthusiastically.

"Not to worry, Eraser! I'm the main act here!" he grinned, turning to the class, much to their confusion.

"So soft~" cooed Nejire, the girl's face heating up.

"The future's looking..." the boy leaned into the class, his hand cupped over his ear, who stared back him strangely, "grim! The answer's 'grim'!"

"He's... a strange one, huh?" murmured Miune, unsure of what to make from their personalities.

"Yeah..." agreed Yaoyorozu, placing a hand to her cheek as they watched the blonde.

The boy's grin slowly faded.

"I'm seeing a lotta faces 'round here that are saying 'so what?' And I get it, three third-years suddenly show up to talk about the Hero Work Studies that aren't even compulsory... doesn't make much sense, right?" his face darkened, "let's see... you all got your licenses as first-years, right? I guess this year's batch of first years really is a rowdy bunch, huh?"

Nejire stopped stroking her wings, gazing at him.

"And since our talk here isn't going so well..." he hummed.

"Mirio, what are you planning?!" whisper-yelled Amajiki from the wall.

"How about you all take me on?! I'm dying to know how strong you guys are!"

Silence flooded the room as mortified stares targeted the eager, blue-eyed boy.

The Hawk and The Falcon *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now