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It was just his luck that Noctis was approached by the weirdest person on his first day at Insomnia University. It was the young man's first time away from home and he felt free, almost too free. The world felt almost frightening now that he was on his own. He hoped the feeling would soon pass.

"Well hello there!" The greeting came from a strangely dressed, violet haired man. Noctis wondered why the man before him was wearing so many layers of patterned clothing and then some odd shawl over top of that. It wasn't even cold.

"Uh, hello," Noctis managed a greeting back. He was a little put off by the man's sudden approach. His golden eyes were intense as he gazed upon Noctis. He gave off an aura that put the young man instantly on edge.

"My apologies for disturbing you but I just had to introduce myself. I do not recognize you from prior years so I assume it is your first year here?"

Noctis nodded. Was this man faculty?

"Ah, welcome then. I do hope you find Insomnia accommodating to your needs. I am Ardyn Izunia, head of the theater department. I am at your service should you require anything at all."

"Ah, thank you," the younger man responded as his guess was confirmed.

"I must say, you share such a striking resemblance to my younger brother. May I have your name?" Ardyn said, his eyes seeming to shine as if eager for the response.

"Oh, uh. Noctis Lucis Caelum," the man said, feeling rather uncomfortable. Maybe he shouldn't have taken time to wander around before his class was to start. He would have been able to avoid this encounter.

"Well then, hello Noctis. I don't believe your name is on any of my class lists. A shame really. If perhaps it would interest you-"

"Ardyn!" The firm voice startled Noctis and he jumped. Ardyn turned towards the voice, a smirk forming on his face.

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear," Ardyn chuckled softly and then in a louder voice said, "Somnus! Come over here, if you will."

Noctis wondered if it would be rude to walk away while the oddly dressed man was distracted. Before he could do it, he caught a glimpse of Somnus. The young student froze, his blue eyes widening in shock.

Somnus looked familiar. Very much so. His was a face he looked at every morning. Though it was a little sharper and older, Somnus's face looked very much like Noctis's own.

This was Ardyn's younger brother? Noctis thought. They didn't look that much like one another. The newcomer was not paying attention to Noctis but looking towards Ardyn with an annoyed expression.

"Please don't harass any of the new students, Ardyn. You already have enough of a reputation," Somnus chided.

"I would never do such a thing! How dare you insinuate," the younger brother feigned insult.

"Ardyn," the dark-haired man warned, his blue eyes, so much like Noctis's own, narrowing. The other rolled his eyes at the threat.

"Anyway, come meet Noctis," Ardyn gestured at Noctis. Somnus turned towards the young man.

Noctis found himself a little embarrassed with two sets of eyes on him, both seemingly faculty. He saw Somnus's eyes widen when they looked upon him. He looked as startled as Noctis had felt seeing him.

"Noctis, this is Somnus Izunia, my brother," Ardyn continued, "and like I've stated, you two do share quite the resemblance."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Noctis," Somnus greeted, snapping out of his daze. He offered a hand.

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