Chapter 1 - Golden tickets and spoilt brats

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Candy's POV

It's been a few weeks since the tickets had been sent out into the world and the factory was even busier than ever. Thousands of Wonka bars are flying off the shelves every day, meaning that we have our work cut out for us if we're going to meet up with public demands. While Willy makes the plans for our special guests, I have to make sure everything gets sent and delivered on time. While Willy is the brains behind the treats, I'm the brains behind the more business side of everything- I'm the one who organizes what is sent off and when, while also keeping tabs on the money we make (which is super important considering running this factory doesn't come cheap). 

"Ok, so, that's one-hundred thousand units of Whipple-Scrumptious Fudgemallow Delight Wonka bars to New York," I write down in my notes, "You have five hundred drop-offs, it's going to be a busy week," I nodded to the driver of the first delivery truck, he nodded back and began to drive, the other trucks soon tagging behind.

But as soon as the last truck drove through the gate and I was about to shut the gates, I saw a small boy. He was very short, skin as milky as cream and a mop of cocoa coloured hair. He was in a daze, staring up at the factory.

"Are you alright, young man?" I asked him, causing him to snap out of his dream-like state.

"Oh um, yes, Miss," he replied, before running off.

"Hey wait!" I called out but he was far too fast.

Who was that young boy?


I walked to the TV room, Willy was working on his latest invention. I have no idea what exactly he's working on, "The best prize is a surprise" as he would say. As I walked through the room, I saw an Oompa Loompa who was flicking through channels before landing on a news bulletin. The fourth ticket has been found, by a boy named Mike Teevee and my god, he had an awful attitude. But then again, he wasn't the only one.

Every single one of the four golden ticket holders was rotten.

The first was a boy named Augustus Gloop, a boy who was constantly chomping down on chocolate-almost eating the ticket in the process! His mother seemed far too proud that her son was only a few munches away from being walking, taking diabetes.

The second was a girl named Veruca Salt, a 'Daddy's girl' who got what she wanted, even if it meant ruining the chances of other children winning by buying thousands of units of Wonka bars. The worst part being...THAT SHE NEVER EVEN ATE ANY OF THE CHOCOLATE! (Willy, I must say, wasn't very impressed by having his precious chocolate wasted like that).

The third was a girl named Violet Beauregard, a compulsive gum chewer who has kept the same piece of gum for months. She's a record holder for gum chewing and her mother takes full pride in her daughters dirty, slobbery habit. The thought of it makes me cringe.

And now there's Mike Teevee, a boy who spends so long in front of screens that I'm surprised he hasn't got square eyes. He managed to track his ticket through manufacturing dates or something like that but he doesn't seem very interested in coming to the factory at all. He seems to do what he wants, his parents don't seem to care about what he does.

I have no idea whose less mature, kids or their parents. But it doesn't really matter since all those children are all horrible in their own ways.

How will we find an heir at this rate?

Let's hope whoever finds the last ticket isn't such a brat.

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