How it All Started Pt. 3

Beginne am Anfang

Hinata then asked Tsukkishima, "Tsukkishima san, why don't you help us."

"Oh well I'm busy myself and I'll just get the title as the planner, you guys could be the masterminds." Tsukkishima said with his signature fake smile, "Hey Yamaguchi, let's leave now."

"Okay then, bye everyone," said Yamaguchi, "get home safely." 

"Bye Yamaguchi san and Tsukkishima san." Hinata and Kageyama said.

"Okay Kageyama san so is dumping paint on her at that door over there all we're gonna do or what." Hinata said.

"Yeah, we want to make her mad but not too mad you know." Kageyama said while looking very proud of himself.

*Time skip to next week*

"Ah I'm finally done decorating and cleaning up this house." Y/N said tiredly as she sat on the couch and checked the time, "I wonder if I could make it to practice."

It was only 30 minutes till practice started so she decided to go.  Y/N wore high waisted shorts with an over-sized white T - Shirt tucked in and her Karasuno jacket.  On the way there Y/N wanted to get something for the team so she got them cold water. After the drinks were bought, she boarded a train to get to Karasuno. She finally came to Karasuno, 5 minutes early, and she walked towards the gym.  Y/N opened the door and placed the water on the gym floor.  

"Ow," Y/N said as the paint drenched her and the bucket hit her head.

For some reason the paint was positioned really weirdly so it dropped right after the bottles were on the floor.  Y/N's shirt and jacket were the only things that got dirty for some odd reason.

Everyone looked that Y/N for a second.  "He did it!" Kageyama and Hinata shouted looking terrified while pointing at Tsukkishima.

"What do you mean I did it," Tsukkishima started, "You guys planned the paint."

Y/N walked up to Kageyama and Hinata while smiling saying, "It's okay, you guys must be the new first years right."

Hinata lost his terrified expression and said, "Wait, Y/N senpai, you're our second manager?"

"Yes, yes I am," Y/N said as she held out her hand waiting for some one to shake it, even though it also had paint on there.

"But Y/N senpai, you were so nice when we first met, how come you're so mean at school." Hinata said while shaking her hand anyways.   

Everyone started laughing really hard except for the first years because they couldn't understand the joke.  

"She's actually the nicest person we all know, she's incredibly helpful as well" Tanaka started, "she's actually known as our short and cute manager, Kiyoko on the other hand is our hottest and taller club manager."

Y/N stood there and said back to Tanaka smiling a bit, "You are correct about that second part, but I don't know about the first."

"Oh come on Y/N, take a compliment once in a while." Sugawara exclaimed, "here use my jacket, you're drenched in paint."

"Oh thanks," Y/N said while walking off with Sugawara taking off her shirt and jacket.

"Sugawara senpai, are you and Y/N senpai dating?" Kageyama asked when Y/N and Sugawara came back.

Y/n replied back to Kageyama saying, "Nope, all of the third years here are practically siblings."

"All of us except for Y/N knew each other ever since we were in middle school," Sugawara added," We didn't know Y/N until Kiyoko introduced us to her during our first year here."

"Oh that makes more sense." Kageyama said back.

"Let's start practice now," Daichi said standing right next to Kiyoko.

Y/N walked to to stage where Kiyoko was sitting.  "Hey Kiyoko," Y/N said while smiling that the tall girl.

"Hey Y/N, how did the moving go." Kiyoko said.

"It went well, there weren't any problems and I didn't lose anything." Y/N said.

Everyone was taking a break and drinking the water that Y/N brought.  Kageyama and Hinata were practicing their attacks.  Kageyama set up another ball and Hinata spiked it down, but some one came in and received it.

"Wait, Noya?!" Y/N stood up to hug him.

The short libero ran to Y/N to hug her and said, " Y/N san, you've gotten taller!"

"Thanks you got taller as well, maybe an inch or two." Y/N said while laughing a bit.

"You guys seem close, what's your relationship with each other," Yamaguchi asked.

"Your Noya senpai is actually my guy best friend," Y/N said.

"Yup, to put it in a nutshell, we became close because as long as she's here I'll be taller than some one,"  Noya said, "We meet at practice when I was doing some receives."

"Aw I thought I was your guy best friend," Sugawara said.

Daichi added, "No I thought I was was your guy best friend."

"You all are," Y/N said while hugging them because they both hugged her tightly," wait where's Asahi san isn't he supposed to be here today."

"Yeah he's coming in later." Noya said.

After the long break, all the volleyball players decided to practice again and Asahi came in.  Asahi practiced a little bit with everyone before leaving.  After a while, practice ended and everyone cleaned up.  Daichi let Y/N close the gym because she wanted to organize the supply closet.  She walked in and headed to the supply closet to do her job.  Y/N was about to turn the handle until she heard something. 

"Oh wow some one is really making out in there," Y/N thought as she listened, "oh well their just making out, I guess I could leave the keys here."  

She placed the keys in front of the closet.  There was an awkward silence until some one who sounded like Nishinoya said, "Asahi, we should stop people might be getting worried." 

"Okay, let's go then." someone who sounded like Asahi said.

Y/N darted out because she didn't want to look like she was eavesdropping.  She wasn't really suprised about that though, since she always secretly shipped them and all. 

"Asahi san, we should lock up the gym, I found the key," Nishinoya said.

"Alright then, let's lock this up and do you want to stay over tonight." Asahi asked Nishinoya.

"Sure and can I borrow your clothes." Nishinoya asked back.

"Of course." Asahi answered.

Hopefully this is a decent chapter for you all.  The actual stuff starts next chapter so happy reading.  Please help me with my grammar, spelling, or just writing skills in general.  I don't really have anything else to add so yeah.  Thank you for your time and effort for trying to read this.

- The Author

With You [Cannon Kuroo x reader]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt