Seventeen - Charity

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Every year, Rosalie's father planned a charity auction

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Every year, Rosalie's father planned a charity auction. All the money that was generated was given to help cancer patients. Eric Stevens had started the charity when his mother, Rosalie's grandmother, died of leukaemia.

Today was the auction, and also the first public event that Dylan and Rosalie had agreed to attend together. It was something that Rosalie held dear to her heart and it was lucky that they were both no longer intending on murdering each other every time they had to be forced into the same room.

Rosalie picked out an ivory coloured dress. It had crystals all across it and was cinched at the waist by a thin belt. The strapless dress reached her knees and she wore it with matching heels. Tying her hair up in a messy, braided bun, Rosalie finished the look with light makeup and nude lipstick. Once she was ready, she headed downstairs to wait for Dylan. When she reached the lounge, there was no sign of him, which meant he was still getting ready.

Walking across the living room, into their modern, open kitchen, Rosalie got herself a glass of water while she waited. She was just placing the glass in the sink when Dylan entered the room.

"Sorry, I got late," he said rushing into the room.

Rosalie turned around to answer but was a little taken aback by how intensely he stared at her. He was wearing a black suit with a black tie and his piercing blue eyes felt like they were boring holes in her.

"You look beautiful," he finally said.

Rosalie couldn't help the rush of blood into her cheeks but quickly tried to hide her embarrassment.

"So do you," she blurted.

"Thanks," he chuckled. "Shall we," he asked, gesturing towards the door.

Rosalie just nodded and quickly walked out to the car.

The car ride was silent and a little awkward. Rosalie caught Dylan's eyes on her multiple times so she focused on staring out the window. Once they arrived at the hotel where the auction was taking place, Dylan offered his arm to her before walking inside. Rosalie reluctantly linked her arm with his and they both walked inside where Rosalie's father was waiting to greet them.

"Hey, Dad," Rosalie beamed as she hugged her father and then Dylan shook his hand.

"Where's Mom," she asked as she looked around for her mother.

"She was feeling a little under the weather so she decided to skip," her father informed. "Why don't you guys go check out the items up for auction. It's about to begin in a little while. I'll meet you at the table."

Rosalie made a mental note to call her Mom once she was back home to check on her. They walked into a large hall. All the items that were to be auctioned later were exhibited in there.

There were numerous paintings by famous artists, some antique decoration pieces, and some expensive jewellery. Rosalie's eyes fell on a beautiful diamond necklace and she decided that was the item she was going to bid on.

Dylan's parents arrived soon and after greeting everyone, they made their way to their table. Rosalie sat around the round table with Dylan to her left and her father to her right. Next to Dylan sat his parents and next to her father were the Johnsons, both Dylan and Rosalie's family friends.

Rosalie quietly drank her champagne as the auction finally started. A few paintings were sold and Dylan's father bid on a sapphire bracelet for his mother. He ended up paying a million dollars for it which Rosalie thought was too much. The Johnson's overpaid for an antique vase and next up was the diamond necklace.

The auctioneer started the bidding at half a million dollars. Rosalie waited until a few people bid on it to call out her price. She wanted to get them out of the way. Once the price was hiked up to a million and a half, Rosalie spoke up.

"Two million dollars."

The man bidding before her rolled his eyes and let it go. When the room remained quiet for a few seconds, Rosalie smiled at her victory, until suddenly another voice went off.

"Two and a half million."

It was Dylan. Rosalie stared at him in shock.
"Why on Earth, Dylan," she whisper-shouted.

"A gentleman doesn't let his wife buy her diamonds herself," Dylan's dad, Blake, answered for him with a smile.

Rosalie glared at Dylan and he just shrugged. Why did he have to do this? He could have just offered to pay for it later. Why did he have to embarrass her in public. Besides, it was weird. They had never bought gifts for each other and she wasn't planning on starting now.

"Three million," her dad called out, startling her.

"Dad, what are you doing," she snapped at him.

"I'm just trying to see how deep into his pocket Dylan is willing to go for my daughter," her father remarked casually. "While racking up the donations," he added with a shrug.

This was definitely not what she wanted. It was awkward enough as it is and now her dad had to butt in and make things worse.

"Three and a half million," Dylan shouted.

"Dylan, come on. Just let it go," she pleaded.

"When a Pierce man sets his eyes on something, he will go to any lengths to get it," Blake added.

Great, just what she needed, an ego boost for Dylan.

"Four million," her dad countered.

"Dad, stop it," Rosalie glared at him. She knew she couldn't possibly stop Dylan now and her dad was her only hope. The crowd was enjoying the bidding war at this point, and she hated all the attention.

"Five million," Dylan roared.

Her father was smiling at her while she pleaded with her eyes to make him stop. "Please, Daddy," she implored.

Dylan choked on his drink when the words escaped her mouth.

"Sweetie, are you okay," Lydia asked him and he just nodded as he tried to get his coughing under control.

Rosalie facepalmed herself at Dylan's reaction and kicked his leg under the table. She turned her eyes back to her Dad who thankfully decided to listen to her and give up.

Rosalie had finally gotten the necklace she wanted.

But at what cost, she thought to herself as she groaned inwardly.

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