~*video four*~

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"just don't wake my parents up," i had said. i was leading him to my roof.

he was standing still for a second, before making a quick pace to catch up with me. 

"where are we going?" he asked me, at the time, i didn't know why he was recording at that moment, but i didn't question it.

"to the roof," i say, opening the window to the roof. "and like i said, don't wake my parents up."

"i won't i won't. but, why are going to the roof?"

"different reasons,"

"oh god, i'm about to make love to a women,"

"no! tommy, not that," 

i could hear him quietly laugh, knowing that we weren't going to do that. i watched as i had climbed up, helping tommy up as well.

"what's up here?" he had asked.

"look up."

there was a moment of silence, before he had gasped.

"a blood moon!! that's so cool, the moon is red."

i had giggled at him, he was so cute when he found interest in things.

"yea, and look at the stars, there's so many of them," i had said.

he had showed the camera, but it wasn't really visible. you'd need to have a night mode lens to see it properly.

but i don't need to see it again to remember everything. i had felt very calm then, aside from my heart pounding at the fact i was on my roof with tommy. many things could've happened. i could've woken up my parents, i could've fell off, i could've had my first kiss...



i remember looking in his eyes, even though you couldn't see us on camera, we were very much looking at eachother's eyes. it was hard to see eachother, it was pretty dark. well obviously, it was 12 at night.

"why do you use the go-pro? is it only to make me feel better?"

he could sense the situation was going to be serious, and i remember every bit of the conversation. that's why he turned off the go-pro right then.

go-pro ~*tommyinnit x reader*~Where stories live. Discover now