Chapter 23: Niall

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I was walking peacefully down the hall when I heard a very scared, "RUN!" behind me. The voice sounded a bit like Lucy's voice so, I backed up a bit to check it out. Not to mention the fact that I got curious to see what was happening, so might as well just check it out.

When Lucy and Minerva almost sent me down, running for their lives out of the makeup section, I knew there was trouble.

My mistake was turning over to face them as they ran to the cash registers. Why? Because right when I turned, a huge heavy body slammed against me and knocked me down.

When I looked up, I saw that it was a some-what old dude chasing my girls. He was kind of fat and short and didn't run that fast. I felt a bit lazy today, but I got up because who knows what that dude wanted to do with my girls. And nobody, absolutely NOBODY, messes with my girls.

I ran up to catch the weird dude, and lucky for me, my legs were longer. Soon, very soon, I was behind him.

We kept running for about 40 seconds, him running into people leaving them cursing and frowning in anger.

Someone bumped into me and slowed me down. I allowed this person to say sorry, I said it was okay, and then I kept on running. For a moment, I lost the dude, but then I spotted him. He was very close to them. When he caught up to them, he immediately pulled Lucy's hair. I heard Lucy cry out in pain.

I felt anger replace my fear. I felt angry at the fact that I wasn't there to help and that the dude was able to hurt Lucy. I felt angry at the fact that one of my girls was hurt, and I couldn't do anything about it. I tried to run a bit faster, but I had gotten a bit out of shape throughout the summer, so I got tired faster than usual, and I ran slower than usual.

My body stopped a bit without me wanting to. I did want to take a break and catch my breath for a bit, but Lucy needed me. I forced myself to run faster, even though my lungs hurt.

When I caught up to them, I could hear the guy saying, "No. No. No. NO!!" He had a sort of accent though. He didn't really stress out the 'O' sound too much. But that doesn't matter.

Anyways, he dropped Lucy down on the floor. Blood rose to my face, and I felt my fists getting balled up. I wanted to punch the dude from behind and get him to get unconscious, but when Minerva and I locked eyes: she was trying to warn me not to do anything against him. In a way, she was right. What if this dude had a gun or a knife? He could hurt me, or the girls, if he noticed me.

He said something in Spanish that I couldn't understand except for two words: You and No.

He got closer to Minerva and kept on talking. Minerva put on her I'm-Not-Going-To-Let-You-Hurt-Me look and yelled something at the dude. Probably, 'I am not going to let you hurt any of my friends, or I will hurt you.' The dude replied back and Minerva took a moment to process that information. She looked down at Lucy who was now sitting up. They both looked shocked and like they couldn't believe the things this dude was saying.

Lucy brushed her hair out of her face and stood up. She said something and then grabbed Minerva's arm and started walking away. I thought the dude wasn't going to follow her, but he reached out and pulled both of them by their hair. I was shocked by what was happening, I couldn't think, move or do anything at all. I could barely even breathe.

Minerva stayed still, but Lucy tried to fight back. She kicked the dude in the leg and then she tried to run, but the dude grabbed her by the arm and threw her and Minerva down. They both hit their heads, but the dude seemed more interested in Lucy. He walked over to her and slapped her three times. He yelled in her face and then brought out a knife.

I feel like I should tell you something, so I will. Lucy is one of those girls who perfers to go down fighting. She will not give up unitl she wins, or she dies. That's how she is, and I like her that way.

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