7. Glue

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The rest of your day was pretty uneventful. They brought you back to the cafeteria for lunch a little while after your interaction with Michael. Speaking of which, you two concluded that knocking nonsense fairly quickly, meaning you had to find something else to do.

Lunch and dinner had vanished as quickly as they came. You were pleasantly surprised to find how quickly time had passed when your mind was preoccupied with your surroundings.

While Jerry was walking you back to your cell after dinner, you decided to ask him about your discussion you two had on the way to breakfast.

"Jerry?" you called out in order to get his attention. "Can you please tell me why I'm here?"

There was a brief silence that took over the hallway once you asked the question. The only sound to be heard were the two pairs of footsteps, leading you to your seclusion.

Finally, the man beside you answered, with obvious hesitance. With his eyes focused on the path in front of him, he began, "I'm really not allowed to talk to you about this. I'm just supposed to bring you from one place to the next..."

You came to an abrupt stop and turned your head in his direction. With your eyebrows furrowed, you tried to speak but no words would come out. Instead, your eyes threatened to spill tears that were long overdue. Just as Jerry was about to follow your lead and come to a halt, you shook your head and caught up with him once again.

After gulping down the frustration occupying your throat, you gathered a few words in hopes that you could figure out what happened to you. You kept your gaze focused on him and did the only thing you thought to do: beg.

"Please, Jerry. Please..."

That's all you could muster out. You didn't want to let the tears slip but it was too late for that. You two had already made it to your room, and just being reminded that you survived a day being in a place you didn't belong, was enough to send you over the edge.

Jerry unlocked the door, and gestured for you to enter. You didn't feel like arguing with your acquaintance, so you gave it a rest. His resistance to respond lead him to change the subject.

"Goodnight, (y/n)."

You sniffled before mumbling a "...g'night."

You trudged inside your room and heard the door lock behind you. Now what? You weren't sure what to do with yourself at this point. It must've been around 7pm and there was still nothing to preoccupy your time with.

Your legs carried you to the very wall you and Michael knocked back and forth at. Boredom lead you to sit with your legs crossed on the hard and cold floor, while a dim yellow light illuminated the confined space. Your eyes were fixated on the plain cinder blocks in front of you; you sat there, anticipating something to happen when deep down, you knew nothing would.

You waited in that same spot and same position for far too long. You had a very tiny window, which was heavily protected with metal bars and a very thick sheet of glass. The sun was setting when you took your seat and you could tell that a plentiful amount of time had passed just by the pitch black sky the window displayed after staring at the wall for so long.

Your surroundings brought you out of your thoughts when you noticed the light fixture above you buzzing. Was it always doing that? Well now that you acknowledged it, you couldn't not hear it! That's when you glanced over at the clock, which read 8:41pm. It ticking every second began to annoy you, combined with the buzzing light. Then, you heard screaming outside your door. It was most likely a patient in their room, screaming out of frustration.

These noises began to pile up and you couldn't take it anymore. You grabbed fistfuls of your hair and sat in the corner of your room-- the back corner closest to Michael's room. You didn't want to scream out the overwhelming sensation because it seemed someone else already was and it was quite annoying. While hugging your knees to your chest, you quietly sobbed into your pants. Soon enough, the sound of your own sniffling was the only thing that could be heard. Upon noticing this observation, you lifted your head and sighed out of relief. The buzzing of the light and the ticking of the clock seemed a lot more minimal now that you cried out your frustration.

Not to mention that wretched screaming also came to a halt. You wondered who those yells belonged to and why they were even screaming. I mean, it's not hard to guess it was because they were stuck here, but you'd think there would be a more precise reason. It sounded like a woman. Possibly the growling woman from the cafeteria? Then again, you had no idea how many residents this place even had. You and her could be the only women in the sanitarium, for all you knew.

You turned to be face-to-face with your and Michael's joined wall. You looked for patterns within the cement and counted how many blocks the wall was made up of. It was purely out of boredom because Lord knows there wasn't anything else for you to do.

However, when you got to the bottom row of blocks, you noticed an inconsistency within the glue. Curious as to what it was, you gently picked at it and raised your eyebrows when you noticed the whole block was loose. What now? You wanted so badly to wiggle it around and see if it came out, but you weren't sure how Michael would feel about that. After all, you'd be invading his privacy. What did he even do in there? Would he really mind if you took a peek?

You huffed at yourself for having morals, because you knew you couldn't do it. It would be wrong. This decision to leave it in place led you to sit on your bed. However, you couldn't stop looking at it! You laid down and tried to think of anything but the loose block. Your mind circulated through what was going on at home, if the staff was gonna give you any less ugly clothes, what food they were gonna give you at the cafeteria tomorrow, but before you knew it, Michael occupied your thoughts yet again. He was such a mystery to you, which is why you were so eager to learn about him.

'Resist the urge, (y/n), RESIST THE URGE' you repeated mentally, but that wasn't enough. Excitement filled your body as your feet touched the cold ground and you slowly stepped in front of the wall. You lifted your right hand to the concrete and gave two slow knocks. About thirty seconds passed before the knocks were returned. You couldn't stop the smile from spreading across your face as you kneeled down to the block near the corner. You took a deep breath in preparation for what you were about to do.

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