4. Observe

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When you woke up the next morning, you felt oddly refreshed. With still no memory as to why you were in a mental hospital, you were in a dazed state.

You sat awake in your uncomfortable bed, anticipating a rough knock on the door to get you up but it never came. That made you wonder... what time is it? You gazed around the contents of the large cell, scanning every surface for a clock.

As your (e/c) eyes finally settled on the ticking object, you couldn't help but notice the cage that encased this clock as well. What's up with this place and protecting the time?

With the short hand a bit before the number 10 and the long hand hovering over the 6, you took note that is was 9:30am. You were pleasantly surprised by how well-rested you felt for having a solid 5 hours of sleep.

You stood from the bed and stretched for a solid minute before wondering what happens to you next.

You weren't sure when someone would come to check on you, so you decided to take a look around your mini prison. 5 minutes into scanning blank surfaces, you finally heard a clicking sound from the entrance.

A chunky man walked in, clad in a dark blue uniform, similar to the ones the previous guards wore. Except this guy had a much more gentle charisma to him.

"I see you're up. I've come to take you down to the cafeteria for breakfast," he informed you with a grin.

The man must've been in his thirty's; his clean shaven face and warm eyes suggested that he is aged, yet not enough to be completely jaded by the ways of the world. But that's what you concluded from his appearance. He could've seen all the cruelty in the world... trauma could've absorbed his life. But from the way he carried himself and the kind demeanor you felt, he seemed like a genuine man.

"I... get to leave my room?" you inquired with a hint of suspicion.

"Well, I have to put you in handcuffs," he pulled out said restraints from his belt. "But aside from that, yes, you're not staying in here forever!"

With a sigh of relief, you took a few steps over to the door and held out your wrists. The guy seemed shocked by your willingness to comply because his eyes widened and eyebrows raised.

Within seconds, the cuffs were locked onto your hands and the man ushered you to follow him outside of the room. You were pleasantly surprised to find that you were allowed to walk on your own— the handcuffs being the only restriction. It seemed the man trusted in them enough to let you carry on without him grabbing onto you and guiding you. The two of you walked in silence for a few strides then he spoke up.

"My name is Jerry. I'll be escorting you around the sanitarium during your stay."

You scoffed at his choice of words. The man made it sound like you were on vacation. Yeah, a vacation to hell, you mentally commented. You narrowed your eyes in Jerry's direction and brewed up a response.

"Yeah, that's great and all, but why am I even staying here in the first place?"

Jerry swung his head over to the right, in order to face you while speaking. That's when you took note of his worried expression.

"Miss (l/n), I don't think it's my place to be having this conversation with you. You'll discuss this with Mrs. Marsh later on," Jerry informed you with a nod. His furrowed eyebrows never faltered as he maintained his anxious appearance.

Seeing his fidgeting hands only made you more confused. What had been said about you?

You decided to let it go for the time being and continue on your way. After walking in silence through a few hallways, you came to a large room full of tables and chairs. There was one patient per table, it appeared; as soon as you noticed there were others, you eyes scanned the room for the only other patient you knew of: Michael.

When you didn't find him, you felt oddly disappointed and followed Jerry to a table. You sat down on the metal chair, which was bolted to the ground, then furrowed your eyes at such a feature... what was the point of that? Well, you're not stupid; you know it's a safety precaution-- but still! What kind of people stay here that make this necessary?

A minute went by before a nurse came over with a tray of food. You made a face at the piles of mush in front of you. As soon as you were settled for breakfast, Jerry started to take his leave.

"Enjoy your food, kid. I'll see you later!" he said as he dismissed himself. Before he took a step away, though, you called his name, wanting the presence of at least one friend.

"Jerry? Can you stay here?" you began to plead. With such unfamiliar surroundings, nothing felt safe; nothing felt real. "No can do, (y/n). I've got other business to tend to."

Your expression dropped while you added, "When will you be back?" Seconds passed before Jerry gave you a response. "In about 30 minutes. After your 'breakfast' I'll take you back to your room," he smiled and used his fingers as quotations when he referred to the nasty food in front of you.

This made you giggle and you nodded at his answer. He turned on his heel and continued to the doors.

You averted your eyes back to your mushy sustenance and sighed. It didn't look appetizing the least bit, yet you were rather hungry. After taking a deep breath, your bound hands -to the best of their ability- grabbed the plastic spork on the tray and scooped up a portion of the meal. As soon as you brought the tool to your mouth, you dropped it right back on the table... the mysterious patient finally made an appearance. You watched him walk through the doors, completely mesmerized.

He was a lot taller than you remember, his frame slightly hunched over due to his impeccable height. A mask covered his face, still allowing you to see the dark brown hair that fell around the rest of his head. He was bound in more chains than you were, making you question what he has done to earn more restraints than you.

Yes, you did witness him standing next to a dead body the previous night, but it was unknown what happened from your perspective.

Michael made absolutely no eye contact with anyone, keeping his head down low while watching the tiles he was walking on. He was finally seated a few tables from you, except he was being chained to the furniture. Your eyes averted from him in order to look at the rest of the patients. You were curious to know if they were as fascinated as you were with Michael's presence.

You were surprised to see majority of people in their own worlds, completely unaware of Michael's appearance. For the first time, you got a good look around at the place and took note of the people who were imprisoned here.

You saw a man rocking back and forth on his chair, mouthing words inaudible to you. He seemed entranced, hugging himself, focused on something in front of him; your eyes searched for anything that could've been amusing him but you saw absolutely nothing. For fucks sake, the guy was facing a stone wall.

Next, you saw a woman twitching, teeth gritted, eyes bloodshot. Overall, she looked like a nutcase. She had disheveled hair that suggested that she was oblivious to her appearance. With her hands balled up into fists, she started violently struggling against her restraints, growling and yelling absolute gibberish.

You couldn't handle looking at her any longer. You averted your (e/c) eyes once more and settled them on an old man. He seemed pleasant at first, posture straight while cheerily eating his breakfast. That didn't last for long when he regurgitated yellow-colored, chunky fluid. He lowered his head and began slurping it back up, seeming even happier than before.

You gagged, deciding that was enough of that. You completely lost your appetite and pushed your tray away from you. There were plenty more patients in the cafeteria but these were the ones that caught your eye. With nothing else to do, you looked back in Michael's direction and waited for him to make any sort of movement.

Something Psychotic (Michael Myers x reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن