9. Assist

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You laid awake in your bed, thinking about what just happened. You felt butterflies swarming around in your belly at the thought of Michael, which was a little... sus. You weren't supposed to think so fondly of him— he's a murderer! But you were too, for all you knew. We're all murderers if you think about it.

We kill time. We crush bugs. We shatter dreams. All of these lead right back to the same place: putting the end to something.

The degree to which you're killing things does a lot, however. Michael puts an end to people. That's a little intimidating to process, as you were just in his room with him. It made you smile to think that he didn't kill you. What a silly thing to be flattered by.

You still thought it was strange that you couldn't recall what happened within a short period of time when visiting Michael. The same exact thing happened the night the police came to your home and brought you here. Could something bad have happened during your unconsciousness— both at home and with Michael? Well, with Michael it was unlikely you did anything horrible. After all, you were still alive. That's enough reassurance to know you're in the clear.

But when you blacked out at home, you were taken into a fucking sanitarium. What did you do?! That is, if you did anything. Maybe you were framed. Maybe you're staying here because someone is trying to kill you, and they can't get to you here.

So many different possibilities overlapped one another until sleep consumed you, finally.

A harsh knocking interrupted your deep sleep. You were surprised to see rays of sunlight coating your room from that tiny window. You sat up rather quickly and rested your palms on the bed behind you, supporting your upper half.

As soon as there was another knock, the sound of a key being jiggled into a keyhole accompanied it. Your dazed eyes settled on the metal door, waiting for whoever was knocking, to enter.

Eventually Jerry set foot in your quarters. You weren't quite sure how to feel after your last encounter with him. It seemed as if he felt the same way, considering he held a conflicted expression on his face for a split second.

You had only asked about the circumstances that lead you to be taken here. You were still a little grumpy over the fact he just completely turned the question down and never gave an answer, but you couldn't really blame him. He was just following protocol. Regardless, you have a right to know why you're in this damn place. You just hoped someone else could tell you.

While standing in the doorway, Jerry started, "Rise 'n shine, (y/n)!" His cheerfulness awakened a satisfaction within you, as if you'd been deprived of his current sentiment— hope. Oddly enough, Jerry was able to lift your spirits and you decided to forget the prior conflict you had with him.

Shielding the sunlight from your eyes, you groaned, followed by a smile. "What time is it? Actually I don't care— it's way too damn early for this."

Jerry chuckled at your statement, before adding, "Breakfast is in 30 minutes. I reckon you get ready soon." You gave him a subtle nod, telling him you understood. With that, he slowly closed the door again, and the following locking noise notified you that you were alone, yet again.

You didn't necessarily mind solitude. Sure, too much could become downright lonely, but too much of anything can have negative effects.

Too much sleep can cause you to become more tired. Too much gaming can strain your eyes. Hell, too much exercise can lead to injuries. It's commonly said that anything is acceptable, as long as it's in moderation. This includes alone time, which you weren't sure you wanted right now.

You wanted company— specifically Michael's company. The events from last night flooded your mind and you got excited all over again.

You have a little entryway into Michael's room; you can visit your new friend!

You considered popping in before breakfast, but decided against it once you remembered that you'd see Michael in the cafeteria. That brick was way too damn heavy to be lifting several times a day. Well, you assumed that's how often you'd pay Michael visits.

Gathering all your willpower, you sat up in your hard bed, before glancing around your room. Does Jerry expect you to get ready? What the fuck are you supposed to get ready with?!

Given no hairbrush, deodorant, toothbrush, or a change of clothing, you sat at your desk, feeling rather filthy.

Where are the showers at??

You decided to peep out your little door-window to see if anyone was around. Maybe they could answer your question?

Upon pushing your face against the bars, the closest person you saw was pretty far down the hallway.

Is it worth yelling to them? Probably not. Were you gonna do it anyway? Absolutely.


They looked around a bit before their eyes settled on you at your cell window. You saw the figure approaching, then you were able to make out their appearance a bit more. A young woman neared your door, and that's when you saw the gray outfit. Your (e/c) eyes widened once you realized that this girl was, in fact, a patient here.

How come she gets to leave her cell alone?!

You huffed in annoyance at the thought of her freedom here. You deserve some freedom, too!

Only a few feet away from your door, you noticed she looked like she was beaten up. Scratches, bruises, and dirt littered her body— causing you to become worried. Maybe she wasn't supposed to be wandering the halls...

Upon standing on the opposite side of your barrier, she yanked out a ring of keys from her pocket and began to look through them. After only about five seconds of looking, she slid off a large key and handed it to you through the bars.

"What are you doing? Who are you?" You decided to inquire, knowing she was up to something.

"I'm Carrie. And I'm leaving."

That was the only thing she said before turning away. You felt oddly disappointed at her departure, so you yelled out something else.

"Wait! I'm (Y/n)! Where can I take a shower?!"

She was running down the hall at that point, so your voice was only an echo— too far for her to hear.

"Dammit." You whispered under your breath. Not only were you still stinky, but now you also were confused.

Knowing you probably shouldn't have had possession of the key, you decided to hide it. You rushed to your bed and slipped the key under the mattress.

Just wait until Michael hears about this!

You didn't really know what you were gonna do with the key. Well, you'd escape -obviously- but what's the plan of attack? Maybe Michael would be willing to get in on this.

The thought of being his accomplice made your heart flutter. If you two were able to get out successfully, would he let you stick around? You didn't really have anywhere to go... nothing seems to makes sense these days.

You shook away the thought, considering you weren't even at that point yet. For now— you just had to figure out where the fucking showers are.

Smith's Grove: 1
(Y/n): 0

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2021 ⏰

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