Ten| The Truth Hurts... Literally

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"If you tell the truth,
you don't have to remember anything."
—Mark Twain

Thank you Mark Twain.... I wish you told me this earlier.

"Make yourself at home," I sighed, using my crutches to help me close the door. "I'll order us some pizza in a bit."

Felix, Tracy, and Darren all took off their shoes and waddled into the house. Tracy and Felix immediately sat on the couch while Darren awkwardly followed them.

I locked the door, then walked to the kitchen to grab snacks. I didn't need my crutches, and I didn't need the cast either. But I had to play the role of the injured girl since a lot of people saw me plummet 8 metres from the ceiling.

"Do you guys want popcorn?" I asked.

The three of them yelled sure as I got the large bowl out.

It's been a week since it happened, which meant I haven't seen the gym or the school in a while. My headache was getting worse, and I've been taking a lower dosage of my original medication. Steve just wanted to make sure that what I was taking wasn't interfering with whatever thing I have going on.

I brought the large green bowl of popcorn and joined my friends on the white sofa. The carpet still wasn't replaced yet, so the room felt odd. "So what did I miss?" I moved a black pillow out from under me and got comfy. Or as comfy as you could be with plaster on your leg.

"A lot!" Tracy smiled, "To be honest, I wish I saw you fall from the ceiling. People told me it was like something out of a movie!"

I cringed and grabbed a handful of popcorn to silence my thoughts. Once I swallowed I spoke, "Can we not talk about me almost dying... I don't want to relive that moment."

Tracy frowned and pushed some of her long hair out of her face, "Ok fine... but I just wanted to hear your account form that day." She looked away and twiddled her fingers.

Darren jumped in and filled in the silence, "I-I Umm brought you some notes and the homework?" He quickly reached into his black back which was stationed by his feet and brought out a large stack of paper. "This is just biology, English was too heavy for me... I'm sorry."

"Oh," My eyes widened, "no don't apologize... you didn't even have to do this."

He placed the stack on the glass table. It was as tall as the popcorn bowl, maybe even taller. A week's worth of bio notes is at least a forest full of paper.

"It's the least I could do since you're nice to me?" His eyes twitched as he looked away.

My heart melted at his comment. I wasn't that nice; I was tolerable.

After I thanked him, the four of us sat in silence. That was an unfamiliar experience for me because there was never silence between us? There was always some sort of joke-telling, gossiping, or bickering.

"Maybe we should talk about the incident?" Everyone looked up at Felix, who was looking down at his hands. This time he has 3 rosaries instead of one.

I gulped and looked away. It wasn't a tremendous deal, was it?

Felix coughed, then glanced up at me, "if that's ok with you, Evelyn?" He tucked himself in the corner seat.

I thought about it for a moment. What more was there to talk about? I broke a body part, that's it. But deep down I knew they might have seen more, "Sure..." I hesitantly answered. I've known Tracy and Felix for a while now... so maybe if it comes down to it, they should know. And with Darren, he already saw me heal once. He might feel better if I confess.

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