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"How was your rendezvous with the golden trio?" He asked her, smiling. Angeline couldn't quite decipher the intent of his grin, whether it was a teasing smile, or genuine. Draco wasn't like Ron, he didn't really care who she spent her time with. After all, their relationship was strictly secretive. It wasn't just her decision, either, but she did encourage its enforcement. Draco, however, had always been known as a relatively aloof character, and wanted his hard-seeming exterior to remain. Nobody could see him soften for the girl he cared for the most, not even Angeline herself, sometimes. He liked to dominate her, and at first she found it concerning, but enjoyment swiftly overtook that feeling that stuck around in her stomach for a while.

"It was fine." She shrugged lightly, playing with her hair as she looked up at him. Draco nodded in understanding, he didn't really want to ask more. Angeline wished he would, she'd give anything to pick his brain, know what went on in his mind. They only really spoke about things after they'd just had sex, whilst they laid in his bed, close and warm with a layer of sweat coating their skin. "And you're right, I just keep coming back. Can't keep myself away." Angeline smiled lightly as Draco returned the expression. It didn't take long for things to swing into motion, as he brought his hand to her face, and softly tilted her head to look up at him. Her hands rested on his sides, her fingers toying with the hem of his t-shirt lightly. Draco wasn't usually one for soft tender actions, so the hungry kisses followed. It was passionate. Angeline felt suffocated, but not in a bad way. Pauses for breath was inconvenient, but necessary when she was kissing him. Then things went into full swing.

Their moment was brief, but not too short. Draco had moments where he liked to take his time, but also moments where speed was needed, and he didn't hold back with the pressure, either. Afterwards, the pair laid in his bed, warm and tired. It was two in the morning now, and Draco had his arm draped around her as their skin kept in contact, almost stuck together like velcro. There were moments where his hand would pull the hair off of her forehead and he'd press his lips to her skin as she rested gently in his embrace. They'd never discuss what 'they' were, their status. He'd never make the effort and every time she tried, she'd back out due to her nerves. Angeline often wanted to bring it up, right now, feeling him against her as she looked up at him, their eyes meeting. She thought she could bite the bullet, she really did. Maybe she would. 

"What are we?" She asked, apprehensively. Draco shifted against her and sat the pair of them up,  Angeline kept the bedsheet around her chest for good measure. 

"What do you mean?" The blonde responded, turning and slipping his underwear back on before walking to the other end of the room. 

"You know what I mean, Draco." 

"I don't know, what are we?"

"Unfair. I asked you first." Angeline said with a dead expression before laughing lightly. "I can rephrase, if you need me to, what do you want us to be?" Her stomach felt like it was surfing, riding multiple anxious waves. Draco turned to face her, his expression softened for a moment. He was waiting for her to ask him this, but he still didn't know what he'd say. Angeline looked at him, awaiting a response but he couldn't get the words out. "We don't have to tell anyone, it can still be a secret."

"I want to be with you." He spoke, with reassurance. "But, I don't want everyone knowing, not yet at least." Angeline nodded as he spoke, but couldn't help but break into a huge grin. She slid on her pyjamas before getting up and walking to him, pressing a kiss to his lips tenderly. This time it was different, this one was less hungry but more emotive. They liked each other, more than they thought, initially, but things were finally beginning to piece together. 

"I agree," She began, one hand finding his and holding it lightly. Her voice was lower now, quieter, a hum. Her body took two steps back, she was flustered, overwhelmed, "I don't want to let everyone know yet. If Ron finds out, now, he'll hate me. He really will, I'm a bit frightened about it, to be honest." Draco nodded, he understood how she felt, things being expected of you.   He wanted to reassure her, tell her everything alright, but he knew she was right. Ron would be upset, he'd be confused, too. Angeline loved Ron, like a brother, but part of her knew she had to do what she wanted now. It was her life, not his. Draco nodded and muttered his agreement as the pair returned to bed. Not to do anything, just to lay, to sleep. The pair of them felt their eyes grow heavy, grow tired. It wasn't long until they fell asleep. 

Angeline woke to the sound of shuffling, Friday nights were the nights where his roommates would be away, it worked out perfectly. Though, they were hardly there regardless. She wondered, for a moment, who was walking about until she opened her eyes, slowly, hastily, and saw Draco getting dressed. He turned to look at her, noticing she was awake. They'd planned this, she always had an outfit in his room, hidden away in case she fell asleep after their meetings. Angeline had managed to remember her robe, also, and so it was easy for her to leave if she needed to. She got dressed, with silent looks at Draco, silent smiles, as he brushed past you to grab what he needed.

"Breakfast?" He asked lightly as he kissed Angeline's cheek. She brushed through her hair, and cleaned her teeth before, and now was just putting her robe on. "What's the plan?" This, now, was like a military mission. She nodded as she shrugged her robe onto her shoulders, tying a section of her hair up, wrapping a dark, emerald ribbon around it. A half up, half down style, which she always loved to do. Angeline turned her body to look up at him as she took his hand, squeezing it softly.

"What I'm thinking," She began, "I go in first, sit down, smile at Ron but sit with my back to him. He won't think much of it. Then, you can come in and sit nearby, opposite, preferably. Not next to me, though. Hardly anyone will suspect, I presume." She spoke lightly as she rose herself to her tiptoes, kissing him softly as she reached behind her, grabbing Draco's robe and passing it to him. Angeline didn't realise, until this morning, how much she truly liked Draco. How he could be himself around her, how he looked in the morning with his skin fresh and clean, his hair falling onto his face, blonde, but could just be white, at this point. He liked her too, everything about her. Draco had his eyes set on her since they started their fifth year at Hogwarts, after they were seated next to one another in their Defence Against The Dark Arts class. She was calm, relaxed, not always very talkative but interesting when she was. He was enamoured by her, the beauty she preserved. How her face frequently melted into a soft smile, or how her concentration face kept him engaged, purely because of how her eyebrows knitted into a frown and her lips pouted lightly. 

"That sounds good to me." Draco reassured, catching his breath back from the kiss they'd shared  before. Angeline remembered shoes, too, and so she was able to sneak out without much suspicion. Before she slithered out the door, she turned to him, smiling at him, teeth peeking out, a light, playful wink and muttered her goodbyes. Then, it was Draco. There, by himself. Already missing her. 

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