Birthday Night

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Pairing: Loki x reader

Word Count: 845

Warnings: none (besides being un-beta'd)


Today was a special day. It was your birthday. So when you got ready, you forwent your usual outfit for something a bit more dressy and you spent a little bit more time on your hair and makeup.

When you headed to the kitchen, you receive a few passing compliments from other employees in the Tower. You didn't expect any of them to know it was your birthday, it's not like you went around parading the fact. You enter the kitchen where Nat and Tony were, standing over a pot of coffee.

"Morning guys!"

"Well don't you look spiffy today?" Tony said with an arched brow.

You gave a small laugh and shrugged. "Yeah, I guess."

"You look good," Nat tells you with an approving nod.


You spend the rest of the day working in the lab, getting several complements here and there, but not a single birthday comment.

Now, you didn't particularly like all the fuss that came with birthday's. You didn't like being at the center of attention, having to smile awkwardly as people around you sang that nuisance of a song. But today, you received exactly nothing. Not a single mention of it. Your heart broke the tiniest bit, but you quickly tried brushing it off.

You worked with the Avengers. So what if they didn't remember your birthday? They had more pressing matters to deal with, like keeping the world safe. Their life didn't revolve around you. Still, you wouldn't have minded someone telling you happy birthday.

It was quitting time, so you make your way to one of Tony's expansive libraries. You discovered it a few months prior, when you were roaming the Tower out of sheer boredom. It was the best discovery you made. It was empty, which you preferred, you didn't really feel like making small talk with anyone. You just wanted to forget today.

However, you weren't alone for long. Loki came strutting in, a swagger in his step, oozing confidence. He stopped before you, the butterflies in your stomach going into a frenzy.

"You look rather smart today, mortal."

You simply shrug.

"Trying to impress someone, are we?"

You roll your eyes, hoping your blush isn't too obvious. "No. I'm not trying to impress someone."

He stares at you for a moment, a hint of a smirk tugging at his lips, before sitting on the other side of the couch.

You feel slightly frustrated. You wanted him to keep questioning you, maybe you'd tell him it's your birthday. Sure, that might've been a bit selfish, but you didn't really care. You peeked at him and you saw him smiling secretively, as if he knew you wanted him to ask. You couldn't keep it in anymore.

"It's my birthday today," you blurt.

Loki looks up at you, a slightly bewildered look on his face. You chew your bottom lip in embarrassment, you didn't mean to blurt it out like that.

"Correct me if I'm wrong," he tells you with a slight frown. "But your Midgardian birthdays, they are rather special, yes?"

"Yeah, you could say that."

"Well then what are you doing here?"

It's your turn to frown. "What do you mean?"

"Is it not the Midgardian custom to spend the entire day celebrating and gifting you and offering you well-wishes?"

"Oh. Uh, yeah it is."

"So why are you here?" He presses. "Why are you not celebrating with your team?"

"Oh, I... I think they forgot," you say with a small laugh. "I don't blame them, of course. They're really busy, y'know, saving the world and what not."

He looks at you, clearly contemplating something before he stands. "Come, let's go," he offers you his hand.


"Now is not the time for questions darling. You've already lost most of this precious day."

You smile and take his hand.

He pulls you along with him, outside the Tower and on to the streets.

"Where are we going?" you ask him, slightly breathless.


"You have no clue, do you?"

"I'll know it when I see it darling."

The two of you walk along the city before Loki points. "There."

"A restaurant?"

"Yes, is that not what humans do on their day of birth?" he asks you uncertainly.

"No, no! It is! I just... you don't have to do this," you tell him sheepishly.

"I want to," he tells you softly.

He takes you by the hand and pulls you inside.

After you both share a meal (paid by Tony, since Loki somehow swiped one of his cards), Loki takes you for a stroll in the Park. He points out constellations to you, comparing Earth's and Asgard's stars. You two walk past several rose bushes and he plucks one before handing it to you.

"Happy birthday darling."

"Thank you Loki. Thank you for tonight."

He cups your face and steps closer to you. "Anything for you, love."

His eyes flit to your lips before he brushes his lips against yours, capturing them in a sweet kiss.

Needles to say, this was by far your most favorite birthday.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2020 ⏰

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