Best Laid Plans

15 0 0

Word Count: 953

Pairing: Loki x reader

Warnings: very slight mention of death and nudity.


Sometimes the plans we make for ourselves never come to fruition. Whether the elements fail or simply, we have no control over the events.

But when Loki came back to Earth to serve his punishment, he swore to himself to never like the mortals, to never form a bond with any of them. To steer clear from them as much as they avoided him. It's not like he even wanted to be in their presence. What with the glares and a whisper whisper about how evil and horrible he is. Why would he ever want to be around that? Now that would just be asking for a headache. And they never even thought to ask him about why he decided to invade New York in the first place. If they had just asked, if they had just listened, they would know the truth. But they never wanted to hear what he had to say. Even the golden child, the favorite prince of Asgard, never thought to ask Loki. You would think that your own brother would realize when you were abused and tortured. But apparently not.

And so Loki swore to never, under any circumstances, become soft with humans. He avoided everyone in the Tower at all costs. He took his meals separately, trained alone, and locked himself in his rooms for hours on end. No one asked about him. In all honesty, if he died in his room, it would take the team who knows how long before they realized. He realized, with a scoff, that he would have preferred that to being treated so horribly by them. It's not like he had anything to live for anyways.

But sometimes, the best laid plans don't work out like we want them to.

When you first joined the team, Tony went around introducing you to everyone. You were in absolute awe over the vastness of Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes. There might have been a slightly pinkish tinge to your cheeks when Thor kissed your hand and you laughed when Natasha and Wanda rolled their eyes at him. You were ecstatic when you met the Bruce Banner and laughed at Sam Wilson's jokes. You thought you had met everyone in the Tower, but one day, you were late to one of the team building lunches Tony was so adamant on having. You decide to head to the kitchen to see if there was any leftover food. You knew it was highly unlikely with the appetites on this team, but your stomach refused to wait for dinner.

You enter the kitchen, only to stop dead in your tracks. There was a man sitting at the counter, a book in hand, tucking away at a plate in front of him. You furrow your brows. You're certain you've never been introduced to him when you first joined the team, but something about that raven hair and chiseled, regal face gives you a pause, as if you had seen him before. He turns abruptly, sensing your presence and a frown graces his handsome face.

You feel a heat rise to your face, having intruded on him.

"Um... hi."

Loki frowns. Perfect. He had been trying to avoid the new mortal for weeks now. He didn't need another pair of eyes judging him, another mortal saying how much of a monster he is.

He closes his book and stands.

"Forgive me," he tells you coolly. "I'll be out of your way."

"No, no!" You tell him hurriedly. "That's okay. It's just... I haven't seen you before. Are you new to the team?"

"Not... necessarily."

"Well, don't feel like you have to leave on my account," you tell him as you load up a plate of fries and Steve's famous burgers, which miraculously, there was still some left.

He hesitates for a moment before sitting back down.

You sit across from him and he watches you apprehensively.

"You got a name tall, dark, and brooding?"

His lips twitch, almost like he's holding back a smile, before his lips are pulled down into a frown.

"I am Prince Loki of Asgard..."

You drop the French fry you were holding and Loki watches you you eyes widen in shock.

There it is. That's what he was waiting for. The realization to hit you, he was waiting to see the fear in your eyes. He was about to leave when he hears you whisper "No way."

You quickly close your mouth realizing your mouth was open.

Loki gives you a look and you laugh nervously.

"Sorry, it's just that... well I've heard a few people say that you lived here, but I've never seen you around so I thought maybe it was a joke or something."

Loki gives you a smirk.

"I tend to avoid you mortals as we are not partial to one another."

You frown. "I'm really sorry about that." You extend your hand. "It's nice to meet you Loki."

He looks at your hand, then back up at your hopeful face.

Your face falls as you watch Loki look at you hesitantly. "Sorry. I shouldn't have been so forward."

He takes your hand before you could withdraw it and gives you a small smile.

"The pleasures is all mine."

You beam at him.


It's some months later, in the dead of the night, when Loki realized, even the best laid plans get thrown out the window. He sighed in content and wrapped his arms around your nude form, tugging you closer, the warmth of your skin seeping into his thawed heart. He intertwined his legs with yours, cradling you close. Yes, he thought, even the best laid plans go awry, but maybe... maybe that's not such a bad thing.

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