Chapter 10; The Elders.

Start from the beginning

I felt my eyes glow as I traced her moon. It was smooth and glassy. It shone like the moon itself.

"It doesn't, " I smile. 

"Sebastian is singing in my head " she groans and I let out a chuckle. 

I kiss her head and make my way towards to shower.

After the shower, I change into a black shirt and white pants. I check my phone and 30 minutes still left for the council to reach. 

I quickly get out and catch Isis lying on her face on the bed with no sheets on. I couldn't help but check out her smooth legs. 

"Stop staring at me, " she murmurs into the pillow and I chuckle.

"Get up, take a shower. The councils will come in half an hour, I think, " I say.

She again murmurs something into the pillow that I couldn't make up.

 "Old people in young bodies are grumpy, you don't wanna be late. Kinda like your Gamma, Colt, " I say devilishly.

"Hey, that's offensive!" she quickly raises her head. "I'm old, I'm not grumpy." 

"What?" I turn to her. She looked like she realized something in her mind and rubbed the back of her neck smiling sheepishly.

"About that… uh so you remember what Nicole said before I passed out?" she asks.

I nod and she continues, " King Nicholas and Luna Athena were the last Alpha and Luna of the Midnight Silver Pack. So their two children survived and ruled their pack, away from the world. The son was crowned as the King, King Horus Apollo, but the daughter didn't crown herself as the Queen." 

She pauses, biting her upper lip down, "And her name was Princess Isis Silver Apollo." And with that, she shows the princess courtesy by standing up.

My eyes widen in realization and I suck my breath in.

"How old are you!" I ask quicker than I intended to. I quickly clear my throat and rephrase the sentence, "I mean I know royals had longer lives but I didn't expect you to be that old." 

She lets out a chuckle before saying, "It's okay, but it's not that. I don't have a longer life, I'm just immortal. My mother was one of the original witches. So an Alpha royal father and original witch got me and Horus to be immoral with human scent." 

"Oh, that explains a lot, " I smile processing information in me. "But you heal like a vampire and silver in your heart doesn't work. "

"A royals blood is laced with silver, so you're pretty much immune to it. And about the killing part, it's kinda hard killing me, and trust me I tried it myself," she mumbles the last line fast but I scowl at her.

"What!" I exclaim. "Why the fuck would you want to kill yourself? I could've died along with you too." 

"I was depressed at a time in my life, Atlas. After Horus's death and the fall of the royals, I had no one with me. Except for Liam and Nicole though but it was hard to locate them, phones didn't exist that time " she sighs. "But hey, I got you now and that was like four or five centuries ago. " 

"You're what a millennium-year-old now?" I ask, sighing with sarcasm.

"No! I'm like 711 years old," she chuckles and I look at her with a plain face.

"My sarcasm turned true, " I sigh again.

"Alpha, where are you? They have entered the territory, " Finn says from the back of my mind.

"Oh fuck, go shower they are here, " I groan as Isis nods and goes into the shower.

I get down the top wing and walk towards the gate. Finn is nowhere to be found but my eyes land on Sebastian, who's currently sitting with Colt and Nicole.

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